

单词 premature
释义 premature /ˌpreməˈtjʊə; ˈpreməˌtjʊə/ adj.
1.+ death, baldness, end提前的;过早的

His career was brought to a premature end.他的职业生涯被过早地结束了。

Accidents are still the number one cause of premature death for Americans.事故仍然是美国人过早死亡的头号原因。

a twenty-four-year-old man who suffered from premature baldness一位24岁过早谢顶的男子

it's premature to do sth做某事是草率的

Isn't it a bit premature to talk about marrying again?谈论再婚不是有点为时过早吗?

it's premature for sb to do sth对某人来说做某事很草率

I think it's premature for the government to come out with that advice.我认为政府提出那样的建议太草率了。

optimism, congratulations +为时过早

It now seems their optimism was premature.现在看来他们乐观得太早了。

You're being a little premature.你现在表现得有些草率。

to be premature in doing sth仓促地做某事
3.+ birth, baby早产的

the birth of premature twins早产双胞胎的出生

Other evidence suggests that a diet high in fish oils helps prevent premature births.其他证据表明, 富含鱼油的膳食有助于预防早产。

a premature baby早产儿

Even very young premature babies respond to their mother's presence.即使是很小的早产儿也会对母亲的存在作出反应。

a month premature早产一个月的

When my daughter Emma was born she was two and a half months premature.我女儿埃玛出生时早产了两个半月。





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