

单词 praise
释义 praise¹ /preɪz/ n.

That is high praise indeed.那的确是很高的赞誉。

The judges reserved particular praise for two new artists.评委们将特别赞誉留给了两位艺术新人。

Three entrants were singled out for special praise.三位参与者被专门给予特殊称赞。

in praise of sb/sth称赞…

He delivered a strong speech in praise of the pound.他发表了慷慨激昂的演讲称赞这次打击行动。

He wrote in praise of Joan Hunter Dunn.他写了一篇文章称赞琼•亨特•邓恩。

the usual speeches in praise of the country's achievements赞颂国家成就的老一套讲话

to be full of praise for sb/sth对…赞不绝口

She is full of praise for the range of excellent services available.她对提供的一系列优质服务赞不绝口。

All the ladies are full of praise for the staff and the service they received.所有女士都高度赞扬了工作人员和他们所提供的服务。

to have nothing but praise for sb/sth对某人/某事物唯有称赞

I have nothing but praise for the police.我对警方只有称赞。

2.(to god)赞美;赞颂;感激
in praise of sb赞美某人

Hindus were singing hymns in praise of the god Rama.印度教教徒在唱圣歌赞美罗摩神。

to give praise to God赞美上帝

Worshippers gave praise to God.礼拜者们赞美上帝。

3.<废>(condition of being commended)受到赞扬;受到钦佩
4.<古>(reason for praise)受赞扬(或钦佩)的原因
5.to damn with faint praiseorto damn sb/sth with faint praise明褒实贬;用冷漠的赞许贬低

the belief that the U.S. had signalled a policy shift by damning with faint praise the mediation efforts认为美国对调停努力明褒实贬是表明其政策已发生转变的观点

In a critical essay on her works, he damned her with faint praise.在一篇评论她的作品的文章中, 他对她明褒实贬。

He proved himself to be a master of the art of damning with faint praise.事实证明他最会对别人明褒实贬。

6.to sing sb's praises对某人高度赞扬

Ottershaw's been singing your praises for years.奥特肖多年来一直对你高度赞扬。

to sing your own praises自吹自擂

Andy Sinton is not a man given to singing his own praises.安迪•辛顿不是一个习惯自吹自擂的人。

praise² /preɪz/ vt.
1.+ person, country, effort, work, achievement表扬;称赞;赞扬

Everyone praises her cooking.人人赞赏她的厨艺。

The teachers praised our work.老师们称赞我们的工作。

Sylvia had a stern father who never praised her.西尔维娅有一个严厉的父亲, 他从来没有夸奖过她。

to praise sb for sth因为某事物称赞某人

He praised the fans for their continued support.他称赞追随者们不断的支持。

The American president praised Turkey for its courage.美国总统赞扬了土耳其的勇气。

to praise sb for doing sth称赞某人做某事

Many others praised Sanford for taking a strong stand.还有很多人称赞桑福德立场坚定。

2.+ God赞美;赞颂;感谢

She asked the congregation to praise God.她请教众赞美上帝。





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