

单词 pour
释义 pour /pɔː/
🄰 vt.
1.+ water, milk, juice, cream倒;灌;注

Pour a pool of sauce on two plates and arrange the meat neatly.在两个盘子里倒少许调味汁, 然后把肉摆放整齐。

I pour water out of a teapot painted with roses.我从绘有玫瑰花图案的茶壶里倒水。

She poured the cream over the strawberries.她把奶油浇在草莓上。

2.+ drink给…斟;给…倒

She asked Tillie to pour her a cup of coffee.她请蒂莉给她倒杯咖啡。

She poured him a drink.她给他倒了一杯饮料。

Could you pour me a glass of wine?能给我倒杯葡萄酒吗?

Shall I pour you a cup of tea?要不要给你倒杯茶?

to pour yourself a drink给自己倒杯饮料

He got up and poured himself another drink.他站起身来, 给自己又倒了一杯饮料。

He poured himself a Scotch.他给自己倒了一杯苏格兰威士忌。

🄱 vi.
1.water, blood, smoke +倾泻;涌流;喷发

There was dense smoke pouring from all four engines.4个发动机全都在冒浓烟。

Blood was pouring from his broken nose.血从他受伤的鼻子里涌出来。

tears, sweat +从某人脸上奔流而下

Tears poured down both our faces.我俩都泪流满面。

The sweat began to pour down his face.他开始汗流满面。

2.(rain heavily)(雨)倾盆而下, 倾泻

It has been pouring in Delhi almost nonstop for the past three days.在过去3天里, 德里市的大雨几乎浇个不停。

It has been pouring with rain all week.整个星期都一直在下着瓢泼大雨。

The rain was pouring down.大雨倾盆而下。

We drove all the way through pouring rain.我们冒着倾盆大雨一路驶来。

3.it never rains but it pours事件同时发生(或连续发生);(尤指)祸不单行
to pour cold water on sth<非正式>对(计划或想法)泼冷水

The education secretary poured cold water on the recommendations of a working party.教育部长对成立工作小组的建议泼了冷水。

British ministers have gently poured cold water on the idea.英国的大臣们已经委婉地表示不看好这一想法。

to pour your heart outorto pour out your heart倾诉衷肠;倾诉自己的想法

He poured his heart out in a letter to his girlfriend.他在信中向女朋友倾诉衷肠。

They have started pouring out their hearts and expressing their hopes and fears about the present situation.他们开始敞开心扉, 诉说他们对现状的期望和担忧。

to pour oil on troubled waters平息风波;调解争端

Dad mediated between us all, pouring oil on troubled waters.爸爸在我们中间调解劝和。

Usage Note
pour与pore作动词时易混淆,例如: she poured cream over her strudel(她将奶油浇在果馅卷上); she pored poured)over the manu- script(她仔细阅读原稿)。
Phrasal Verbspour away,pour down,pour in,pour into,pour out




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