

单词 pounding
释义 pounding¹ /ˈpaʊndɪŋ/ n.
1.(at door, on surface)连续的重击

Then the pounding started up again on the front door.前门又响起了砰砰的敲门声。

2.+of heart剧烈的跳动;怦怦的跳动

the fast pounding of her heart她的心脏怦怦直跳

to take a pounding<非正式>(from gunfire, bombs, storm, hurricane)
city, area +遭受重创

The town took a fair pounding from the RAF.英国皇家空军的轰炸使这个镇受到重创。

The town took a pounding during the hurricane.这个镇在飓风中遭受重创。

(be hit hard)boxer, fighter +受伤严重

Ali took a pounding.阿里受伤严重。

【体】(be defeated)team +遭遇惨败

England took a pounding in their last World Cup game.英格兰队在他们的上一届世界杯比赛中遭遇惨败。

(be criticized)person, government +遭到猛烈批评

The film has taken a pounding from the critics.该电影受到评论家的猛烈抨击。

【经】shares, finances +价值大跌

Electricity and water shares took a pounding, with losses extending into double figures.水电行业的股票大跌, 跌幅达到两位数。

Europe's stockmarkets have taken a pounding.欧洲股市急剧下跌。

The company's shares have taken a pounding.该公司股价暴跌。

pounding² /ˈpaʊndɪŋ/ adj.
1.+ heart剧烈跳动的;怦怦跳动的;+ headache剧痛的

physical symptoms such as a pounding heart and sweating心脏剧烈跳动和出汗之类的身体症状

the anxiety, the nervousness, the pounding heart焦虑、紧张、心脏剧烈跳动

She drank too much wine and woke up the next day with a pounding headache.她喝了太多的酒, 第二天醒来头痛欲裂。

I get a pounding headache if I wear my glasses for more than one hour.如果戴眼镜超过一小时, 我就会无比头痛。

with pounding heart心怦怦直跳

With pounding heart, I took my position upon the podium.我站上乐队指挥台, 心怦怦直跳。

2.+ waves, rain极为猛烈的

the pounding waves汹涌巨浪

They had been buffeted by pounding waves and heavy rain for hours.他们已经被巨浪和暴雨猛烈拍打了好几个小时。

They walked home through the pounding rain.他们在瓢泼大雨中走回家。

3.+ feet快速有力移动的;奔跑的

Imagine the pounding feet of an early morning jogger.想象一下清早慢跑者轻快有力的脚步。

The ceiling suddenly shook with the sound of running, pounding feet.上面传来砰砰的跑步声, 天花板突然颤动起来。

4.+ music, rhythm韵律极强的;有感染力的

African music with its infectious, pounding rhythms有着极大感染力和强烈节奏感的非洲音乐

Pounding music blared from giant loudspeakers.极富节奏感的音乐通过巨大的扬声器大声播放出来。

the pounding beat of rock music摇滚乐极富节奏感的拍子





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