

单词 pot
释义 pot¹ /pɒt/ n.

metal cooking pots金属烹饪锅

He was stirring a pot of soup.他正在搅一锅汤。

the pots and pans锅碗瓢盆

2.(teapot, coffee pot)壶;茶壶;咖啡壶

There's tea in the pot.壶里有茶。

There's more coffee in the pot.壶里还有咖啡。


I'll just go and make a fresh pot.我这就去重新沏一壶。

Shall I make another pot?要不要我再沏一壶?

He spilt a pot of coffee.他把一壶咖啡弄洒了。

4.(container; for jam, marmalade, honey)
(for paint)

Hundreds of jam pots lined her scrubbed shelves.数百个果酱罐摆放在她那擦得干干净净的架子上。

a pot of strawberry jam一罐草莓酱

a pot of red paint一桶红色油漆

5.【园艺】(for plants)花盆

Pots of geraniums lined the balcony.一盆盆天竺葵排成列摆放在阳台上。

a pot of parsley一盆欧芹

The pots had fallen off the window ledges in the high winds.几个花盆被大风从窗台上刮落。

6.(chamber pot)(尤指婴幼儿用的)便盆, 尿盆
7.【陶器】(piece of pottery)手工陶器
8.(tankard)+of beer大杯子
9.<澳>(measure)+of beer装啤酒的容器;啤酒杯

a few pots of beer几杯啤酒

10.<非正式>(cup, trophy)(尤指银质)奖杯
11.【牌】(money, stakes)(尤指扑克牌游戏中赌池中的)赌注总额, 全部赌注

a lobster pot捕龙虾篓

14.<美,非正式>(joint fund)(为特定目的而设的)公共基金

The other women gave her money from the pot to buy medicine.其他女人从公共基金里取出钱给她去买药。

Group members could request money from the pot.小组成员可以要求从公共基金里提取资金。

15.<苏格兰,英格兰北部>(hole, pothole)壶穴;锅穴;瓯穴

a natural pot天然壶穴

Black Moss Pot黑沼泽壶穴


an ounce of pot一盎司大麻

to smoke pot吸大麻

He sometimes smokes pot.他有时候会吸大麻。

18.See pot shot
19.See potbelly
to go to pot<非正式>(因无人照料或经营)垮掉, 没落, 衰落, 荒废

His work has gone to pot since his divorce.自从离婚后, 他的工作就开始走下坡路。

The neighbourhood really is going to pot.这个街区确实在走向败落。

keep the pot boiling<非正式>使兴致不衰;使兴趣不减

I threw in a question, just to keep the pot boiling while my brain caught up.我插进了一个问题, 只是为了在我整理思路时保持大家的兴趣。

He's quite capable of pulling some stunt just to keep the pot boiling.他十分善于做出一些引人注目的举动, 让人们总是关注他。

the pot calling the kettle black五十步笑百步;锅笑壶黑

His accusations must have sounded like the pot calling the kettle black.他这么指责, 听上去肯定给人五十步笑百步的感觉。

This is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.这是典型的五十步笑百步。

pots of sth<英,非正式>大量…(尤指钱)

He must have pots of money.他肯定很有钱。

pot² /pɒt/(pots,potting,potted)
🄰 vt.
1.【园艺】+ plant, cuttings把…栽入盆中

Pot the cuttings individually.把插条分别栽入盆中。

2.(put in pot)+ jam把…放在罐里;把…装罐贮存

Then I added mint and orange zest and potted the mixture.然后我加上薄荷和橙子皮, 搅拌后装罐。

3.【烹】(cook)+ food在锅中烹煮
4.【猎】(for food, not for sport)(为获取食物而)射猎
5.【猎】(shoot stationary target)射击(停歇着的鸟、兽)
6.(shoot without careful aim)胡乱射击
7.+ baby, toddler使坐在便盆上
8.【台】+ ball击…落袋

He didn't pot a ball for the next two frames.他在接下来的两局中一杆未进。


Johns potted the conversion to give his team an outstanding victory.约翰斯追加射门得分, 为他的球队赢得了一次伟大的胜利。

The full-back potted the penalty to put Scotland two points in front.后卫罚球得分, 使得苏格兰队领先两分。

10.【陶器】+ clay, vessel, wares对…塑形

The vessels were potted on a wheel.用陶轮给器皿塑形。

🄱 vi.

clay suitable for potting适合制作陶器的黏土

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