

单词 possibility
释义 possibility /ˌpɒsɪˈbɪlɪtɪ/ n.( 复possibilities)

She was just stating a possibility.她只是在陈述一种可能性。

a possibility of sth…的可能性

the possibility of rain下雨的可能性

no possibility of sth没有…的可能性

There was now no possibility of success.现在一点成功的可能性都没有。

the possibility that … …的可能性

We were not worried about the possibility that sweets could rot the teeth.我们以前并不担心糖果会蛀蚀牙齿。

there is a possibility that …有…的可能性

There's a possibility that what he said is true.有可能他说的是真的。

There's a possibility that we might be moving house.我们有可能会搬家。

it is a possibility有这种可能性

It has not happened yet, but it is a possibility.它尚未发生, 但有这种可能性。

a real possibility真正的可能性

Tax on food has become a very real possibility.极有可能征收粮食税。


All sorts of possibilities had begun to open up.各种机遇已经开始出现。

I'm out here looking at possibilities for clients of mine.我来这里为我的客户看看有没有发展前景。


There were several possibilities open to each manufacturer.每位制造商都有多种选择。

one possibility would be to …一种选择是…

One possibility would be to compensate workers for lost earnings.一种选择是赔偿工人的经济损失。

4.(competitor, candidate)可能获胜(或当选)的人

He's a possibility for the part.他可能会获得这一角色。

5.(possible nature)可能性

He neither encourages this idea nor denies its possibility.他既不支持这个观点, 也不否认它的可能性。

6.not beyond the realms of possibilityornot beyond the bounds of possibility不是没有可能

It's not beyond the realms of possibility that the security services do bug important public figures.安全部门有可能窃听重要公众人物的谈话。

This is, of course, not beyond the bounds of possibility, but it doesn't often happen.当然, 这不是没有可能, 但是并不经常发生。





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