

单词 prior
释义 prior¹ /ˈpraɪə/ adj.
+ knowledge, experience在前的;先前的;+ approval, permission事先的;预先的

The president must seek the prior approval of Congress for military action.总统在采取军事行动之前必须获得国会批准。

Steve had no prior experience with disabled people.史蒂夫以前没有和残疾人接触的经历。

No prior knowledge of computing is required.不需要事先具备计算机知识。

to have a prior claim on sthorto have a prior claim to sth对某事拥有优先权

The public sector has no prior claim to private property.公共部门对私有财产并没有优先占有权。

His parents always felt they had a prior claim on his time.他的父母总是感觉他们可以优先支配他的时间。

to have a prior engagement有约在先

Can you manage Monday?—Sorry, I've got a prior engagement.你周一有时间吗?——对不起, 我已有约在先了。

without prior noticeorwithout prior warning没有事先通知

The premiums will not be debited to your account without prior notice.事先若无通知, 保险费将不会记入您的账户。

He just walked out and left me, without prior warning.他就那样离我而去, 没有任何先兆。

prior² /ˈpraɪə/ adv.
prior to sth在…之前

Prior to his Japan trip, he went to New York.在去日本旅行前, 他去了趟纽约。

prior to doing sth在做某事之前

He had called at the newsagent's prior to going into town.他进城前在报刊亭打了个电话。

prior³ /ˈpraɪə/ n.
1.【统】(prior probability)先验概率
2.【史】(superior of house and community)(天主教小隐修院的)修道长, 院长
3.【史】(deputy head of monastery or abbey)(天主教大隐修院的)修道长, 副住持
4.【史】(chief magistrate)最高行政长官




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