

单词 policy
释义 policy /ˈpɒlɪsɪ/ n.( 复policies)
1.【政】(in politics, economics, business)(尤指政治、经济或商业方面的)政策, 方针, 策略

He will introduce plans which include changes in foreign policy and economic reforms.他将推行包括转变外交政策和改革经济的计划。

It is company policy not to employ smokers.公司政策禁止雇用吸烟者。

2.(of a country, government)政策;态度;行动
(of a company, organization)对策;策略;措施

What is their policy on nuclear testing?他们对核试验有什么对策?

the government's policy on repatriation有关遣返的政府态度

the council's policy of forbidding buildings of more than five storeys委员会对五层以上建筑的限制措施

the organisation's future policy towards South Africa该组织对南非的进一步策略


The policy covers buildings and contents.这份保险单涵盖房屋及屋内物品。

You are advised to read the small print of household and motor insurance policies.建议阅读家庭财产和汽车保险单中的附属细则。

to take out a policy签一份保单

He had taken out a life insurance policy just a few weeks before he died.他在死前几星期刚签了一份寿险。


He was a man of policy and sagacity.他是个有策略、有头脑的人。

She showed great policy in her decision.她在作决定时表现得异常精明。





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