单词 | point |
释义 | point¹ 1.+of speaker, writer观点;看法;论点 He illustrated his point with an anecdote.他用一则趣闻来诠释自己的观点。 This was a point I put to her in the interview.这是访谈时我向她提到的想法。 That's a good point!说的好! 2.(most important part)要点;要旨;关键点 My point is that I'm not going to change.我要说的是我不打算改变。 That's true. But the point is that we cannot trust her.这倒是不假, 但问题是我们无法相信她。 that's not the point这不是要点;这不是核心问题 Did I ask you to talk to me? –That's not the point.是我要你跟我说话的吗?——问题不在这儿。 3.(benefit, purpose)好处;益处;意义;用途;目的;意图 what's the point?这有什么用呢?这有什么意义? What was the point of thinking about him?想他有什么用呢? What was the point in getting married?结婚的意义在哪里? there's no point in doing sth做某事无意义 There's no point in talking to you.和你说了也是白说。 There was no point in staying any longer.再待下去也是没意义的。 to see the point in doing sth明白做某事的理由;弄懂做某事的意图 I just don't see the point in doing this.我只是不理解为什么要这样做。 4.(aspect, feature)+of person, thing特点;特征;独特之处 The most interesting point about the village was its religion.这个村庄最让人感兴趣的地方是它的宗教。 Thorpe's got his bad points but I like him on the whole.索普身上是有些坏毛病, 但总体上我还是喜欢他的。 your strong point你的强项(或长处、优点) Science was never my strong point at school.上学时理科从来不是我的强项。 your weak point你的弱项(或短板、缺点) You may be asked what your weak points are.可能有人会问起你的弱点是什么。 to have points in common有共同点 These two projects have some interesting points in common.这两个项目存在一些很有意思的共同点。 5.(place)地点;方位 The best place to fish was the point where the stream joined the river.最好的垂钓地点是小溪与河流的交汇处。 The pain originated from a point in his right thigh.疼痛最初出现在他右大腿的某处。 The train stops at Carlisle and all points south.火车在卡莱尔及其以南方向的所有站点停靠。 the point of departure for sth出发地;起始点 Uckfield is 15 miles from Newhaven, a point of departure for the ferry to Dieppe.阿克菲尔德市距离纽黑文15英里, 是乘渡轮前往迪耶普的出发地。 6.(in time)时间点;(特定)时刻;(过程的)中间点 at that point就在此时;就在那一刻 At that point, we decided to leave.那一刻, 我们决定离开。 At that point, all the lights went out.就在此时, 所有的灯都灭了。 at one point在某一时刻;一度 At one point, 70,000 members had failed to pay.一度有7万名会员没有缴费。 to reach a pointorto get to a point进入某一状况;达到某种程度 We've reached a point where we have to make a decision.我们已经到了必须做出决定的时刻。 Ideally you won't reach the point where intervention is called for.理想的情形是, 你到不了会需要他人干预的程度。 to get to the point where …达到…的程度(或阶段) It got to the point where he had to leave.事情发展到了他不得不离开的地步。 the point of departure for sth…的开端(或起始点、出发点) These could all provide a point of departure for European collaboration with the USA.这一切可能为欧洲与美国的合作提供一个开端。 This is the point of departure for his latest book.这就是他新书的肇始。 7.(tip)+of pin, knife尖;尖端;尖头 a pencil with a sharp point一头削尖的铅笔 The point of the knife had been broken off.刀尖已经断掉了。 8.缩写为pt或pt.(written or printed)标点(如句号);(数学)小数点 an average of two point four (=2.4) children per couple平均每对夫妇有2.4个孩子 9.【数】(in space)(空间位置由坐标给出的)点 Give the coordinates of the point.给出该点的坐标。 10.缩写为pt或pt.【地理】(piece of land)岬角 A lighthouse stood on the point.岬角上竖立着一座灯塔。 11.缩写为pt或pt.(in game, competition)(游戏或比赛的)分, 计分, 得分 They scored 5 points.他们得了5分。 New Zealand have beaten Scotland by 21 points to 18.新西兰队以21比18战胜了苏格兰队。 The panel of judges gave him the highest points.评审组给了他最高分。 12.缩写为pt或pt.【印】点, 磅, 磅值(印刷字体大小单位, 相当于0.01384英寸, 即每英寸72点) The printers reduced the point size.印刷厂缩小了字号的点数。 13.【海】(on compass)罗经点;方位点 the points of the compass罗盘仪的方向点 14.【海】(angle)罗经度(罗盘仪上相邻两个刻度之间形成的11°15′ 夹角) The ship swung round one or two points.船的方向转了一两度。 15.【海】(on horizon)方位点, 点位(罗盘上指示的地平线方向) the north point of the horizon地平线的北方点位 16.【金融】(unit of value)点, 百分点(表示证券或商品价格指数及波动变化的单位值) Gold prices steadily fell 20 points.黄金价格持续下降了20个百分点。 17.【金融】(percentage unit)基点(表示贷款贴息率或企业红利率) A guarantee fee of 25 basis points is payable.需要付一笔25个基点的担保费。 18.【板】(position)正后内野 19.【板】(player)正后内野手 20.(双骰子赌博时首掷投出的不赢不输的)点数(如:4、5、6、8、9或10) 21.【动】(用来判断动物品种标准的)品级, 级分 22.(fastener)(16、17世纪流行的衣服上末端带金属扣的)缎带系扣, 装饰系扣, 尖包头系带 23.【游戏】(on board)(西洋双陆棋盘上的)棋子位置 24.【军】(in bayonet or sword drill)(刺刀或剑术操练中的)一刺 25.【军】(position)前哨阵地 26.【军】(soldier)尖兵;先锋战士 27.【猎】(position of dog)(猎犬发现猎物时的)猎物位置示意动作 28.【拳】(拳击手的)击中得分, 击倒得分 29.【言语】(diacritic)(语音转写符号中表示音变的)变音符 30.缩写为pt或pt.【珠宝】(unit of weight)(钻石重量单位)分(相当于0.01克拉) a 25-point stone一颗25分重的宝石 31.【建】+of brickwork勾缝;细抹 32.【冰】(position)(冰球和曲棍球)靠近对方蓝线内的位置 33.<英>=power point, 1 34.<英,非正式>=socket¹, 2 idiom point² ◆at the point of sth濒临…;靠近…;就要…;接近…;临近… The athletes were at the point of exhaustion.运动员们马上就要筋疲力尽了。 I was just at the point of leaving when I saw her.我刚要离开时看见了她。 ◆at some point在某一时刻 Then at some point, fairly late on in the evening I think, Jessica arrived.然后在某个时候, 我想大约是晚上很晚的时候, 杰西卡到了。 We're all going to die at some point.我们都将在某个时间死去。 ◆to be beside the point无关宏旨;偏离主题;说话跑题;没说到点子上 Brian didn't like it, but that was beside the point.布赖恩不喜欢这样, 但那并不重要。 ◆to be on the point of sth正要做某事;刚要做某事时 She looked on the point of tears.她看上去就要哭鼻子了。 As they were on the point of setting out, a light rain began to fall.就在他们准备出发的当口, 天下起了小雨。 He was on the point of saying something when the phone rang.他刚要开口说些什么, 电话响了。 ◆case in point典型的例子;恰当的例证 The present occasion was a case in point.目前的情况就是个典型的例子。 The American painter Julian Schnabel is an excellent case in point.美国画家朱利安•施纳贝尔是个很好的例证。 ◆to come to the pointorto get to the point直截了当地说;扼要地说;开门见山;有话直说 He came to the point at once. 'You did a splendid job on this case.'他立刻开门见山地表扬道:“这件案子你处理得很棒”。 Was she ever going to get to the point?她到底还会不会讲到重点? ◆in point of fact其实;事实上;说实话 In point of fact, he didn't say that at all.其实, 他根本没有那么说。 In point of fact, she never went to university at all.说实话, 她根本就没上过大学。 ◆to make your pointorto prove your point证明自己的观点(或论点) Dr McCleland studied one hundred people to prove his point.为了证明自己的论点, 麦克莱兰博士对100个人进行了研究。 In a year he proved his point by selling 11,000 cars.在一年之内, 他售出了11,000辆汽车, 证明了自己的看法正确。 ◆to make a point of doing sth特意做某事;故意做某事 She made a point of spending as much time as possible away from Osborne House.她故意尽可能地不待在奥斯本庄园。 I made a point of being sociable.我有意识地花工夫交际。 ◆to miss the point不得要领;没抓住要义;没领会含义;没看到关键问题 You've all missed the point entirely.你们都全然没有明白要领。 ◆not to put too fine a point on it<婉>恕我直言;说句不中听的话;说得不客气一点;坦率地说 Not to put too fine a point on it, she had been a prostitute between the ages of 15 and 17.说得难听点儿, 她在15至17岁时作风浪荡。 I can't stand him. Not to put too fine a point on it.实话实说, 我就是受不了他。 ◆to the point中肯;切题;简明扼要;切中要害 The description which he had been given was brief and to the point.别人给他的描述言简意赅。 ◆to score points off sb占某人的便宜;胜过某人 I want to see all MPs working together for the good of the country instead of trying to score points off each other.我希望所有的下院议员为国家的利益同心协力, 而不是互挖墙脚。 I think we both consciously try not to score points off each other.我想我们俩都有意识地不占对方便宜。 ◆to see sb's pointorto take sb's pointorsb has a point同意某人的观点;接受某人的看法;认为某人说得有道理 Oh I take your point, John, about that.哦, 约翰, 关于那件事, 我觉得你说得很在理。 You've got a point there!你那番话说得太有道理啦! Point taken.同意。 ◆up to a point有一点;在一定程度上 It worked up to a point.它在一定程度上起了作用。 Well, I agree with you up to a point.嗯, 我在一定程度上同意你的意见。 🄰 vt. 1.(aim)把…指向;瞄向;对准 He pointed his light at the tunnel floor.他把灯光照向隧道地面。 to point sth at sb + finger, stick用…指着某人 He pointed a shaking finger at my friend and hissed with rage.他用颤抖的手指指着我的朋友, 低声怒喝。 + gun将…朝向;对准 A man pointed a gun at them and pulled the trigger.一名男子把枪对准他们, 扣动了扳机。 2.(show)+ way指向;朝向 He pointed his finger to an inlet just to the west of the docks.他用手指指了指紧挨码头西面的一处小湾。 I could help by pointing you in the right direction.我可以帮你指出正确的方向。 The young woman pointed him towards another door.那个年轻的女人把他指向了另一扇门。 3.【建】+ brickwork, masonry(用水泥等)勾嵌, 砌缝 4.【音】+ psalm text(为便于诵唱配乐)给…标上竖线记号 5.【海】+ sailing vessel让…迎风行驶 She pointed the ship to a narrow pass between two islets.她驾着轮船朝两座小岛之间的一处狭窄水道迎风驶去。 6.【言语】+ letters给…加区分标识 7.【语言】+ Hebrew text给…加变音符 🄱 vi. 1.person +(用手指)指人 Don't point!别用手指人家! My friend didn't say anything, he just pointed.我的朋友什么也没说, 就用手指了一下。 to point at sb/sth指着;指向 He pointed at her as if he meant her to stand up.他手指着她, 好像要让她站起来。 She pointed at the door and told him to get out.她手指着门口让他滚出去。 to point to sth手指向某物 Mr Jones pointed to a chair and asked her to sit down.琼斯先生指着一把椅子请她坐下。 'Over there,' she said and pointed to the bathroom door.“就在那儿。”她手指着浴室门说道。 2.needle, clock hand, sign +指向;朝向 You can go anywhere and still the compass points north or south.无论走到哪里, 罗盘仍然指向北或南。 An arrow pointed to the toilets.箭头指向卫生间。 to point forwards vehicle +朝向正前方 He controlled the car until it was pointing forwards again.他稳住车子, 直到它又朝前开去。 3.【猎】gun dog +(发现猎物方位后站立不动且用口鼻部)示意猎物位置 4.【海】sailing vessel +切风航行;迎风行驶 Phrasal Verbspoint off,point out,point to,point up |
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