

单词 at
释义 at¹ prep.
1.(indicating position or location)(表示位置、地点)在…(里), 到…

the muscles at the back of the thigh大腿后面的肌肉

We had dinner at a restaurant.我们在一家饭店吃的饭。

I called in at the supermarket on my way home.我在回家的路上顺便去了超市。

after a long day at the office在办公室待了漫长的一天后

I live at home with my parents.我和父母一起住在家里。

2.(indicating an activity)(表示某人在参与某种活动时)在…

He did well at school.他上学时成绩很好。

I studied psychology at university.我在大学时学心理学。

a day at the races赛马会的一天

3.(next to)在…旁;靠近…;接近…

He gave the girl at the desk the message.他把口信递给桌旁的女孩。

At his side was a beautiful young woman.他旁边是个年轻漂亮的女人。

4.(towards)(表示方向、朝向)朝…, 向…, 往…

He looked at Michael and laughed.他看着迈克尔笑起来。

The crowd threw petrol bombs at the police.人群向警方投掷汽油弹。

5.(indicating time)(表示时间)在…时刻, 于…, 当…

The flight leaves at 4 o'clock.航班4点起飞。

6.(during the period of)(表示时期、期间、周期)在…期间

He only sees her at Christmas and Easter.他只是在圣诞节和复活节期间才见到她。

7.(indicating someone's age)(表示做某事时的年龄)在…岁时

Blake emigrated to Australia at 23.布莱克23岁时移居澳大利亚。

She died at her home in California at the age of 76.她76岁时在加利福尼亚的家中去世。

8.(indicating rates, speed, level)(表示速度、价格、频率或水平)以…, 达…

I drove back down the highway at normal speed.我以正常车速沿公路返回。

The vehicle was travelling at 50 km/h.那辆车以每小时50公里的速度行驶。

9.(indicating state or condition)(表示状态、情况)在…中, 处于…状态, 在…条件下
at rest在休息
to be at war/peace处于交战/和平状态
10.(following verbs and nouns of emotion)(表示某种情绪反应的原因)对…, 因…
to be shocked at sth对…感到吃惊(或震惊)
to be surprised at sth对…感到惊奇(或意外)
to be annoyed at sth因…而生气;对…感到烦恼

Eleanor was annoyed at having had to wait so long for him.埃莉诺因不得不等他很久而生气。

sb's delight at sth为…而高兴;为…而欣喜
11.(indicating cause)(表示某事的原因、理由)依据, 按照, 根据
at sb's suggestion根据某人的建议
at sb's request应某人的请求
at the invitation of sb应某人的邀请
12.(indicating repeated action)(表示动作重复)

She kept dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief.她不停地用手帕轻拭眼睛。

He took a biscuit and nibbled at it.他拿起一块饼干, 一点一点地咬。

13.(indicating an attempt to hold or hit)(表示击打、抓取的方向或对象)

He had to clutch at a chair for support.他不得不抓住一把椅子作为支撑。

14.(indicating a personal peak)(用在物主代词和形容词最高级前, 表示某人或某事在特定时间的特点)

He was at his happiest whilst playing cricket.打板球时的他是最快乐的。

He is at his most charming today.他今天最有魅力。

15.(indicating how good someone is)(表示能力)在…方面, (善)于

She's good at her job.她很擅长她的工作。

I've always been bad at sport.我一向不擅长体育。

16.<美>(before phone numbers)(用于电话号码前)

For more information, call us at 1-800-361-8478.要了解更多的信息, 请拨打1-800-361-8478。

17.to be at it<口>又来了(表示某人又在做你不喜欢的事)
18.where it's at<口,过时>是最流行(或最精彩、最时尚)的场所(或活动)

West Hollywood is where it's at for gay men in Los Angeles.西好莱坞是洛杉矶男同性恋的聚集地。

at² /æt/ n.( 复at)
阿特(老挝货币单位, 100阿特=1基普)




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