

单词 plead
释义 plead /pliːd/(pleads,pleading,pleaded,plead)
🄰 vt.
to plead sb's case为某人的案子辩护

He hired a top lawyer to plead his case for him.他聘请了最好的律师为他的案子辩护。

2.(argue in support of)+ cause声援;维护;为…辩护

He would plead the cause of Russian unity.他会支持俄罗斯的统一事业。

to plead the case for sth声援…;维护…

She appeared before the committee to plead the case for privatization.她出现在委员会面前为私有化辩护。

3.(give as excuse)以…作为辩解;以…为托词;以…作为借口

Mr Burke, pleading poverty, changed his mind.伯克先生以自己穷为由改变了主意。

The Minister pleaded ill health as the reason for her resignation.部长以身体状况不佳为由辞职了。

to plead ignorance声称不知

The Government might find it convenient to plead ignorance.政府可能觉得声称不知情比较省事。

🄱 vi.

How does the defendant plead?被告是怎样答辩的?

to plead guilty承认有罪;服罪

Morris had pleaded guilty to robbery.莫里斯承认犯有抢劫罪。

to plead not guilty不承认有罪;不服罪

'Do not say that,' she pleaded.“不要那么说。”她央求道。

to plead with sb向某人恳求
to plead with sb for sth向某人恳求某物
to plead with sb to do sth恳求某人做某事

He was pleading with her to control herself.他恳求她克制一些。

She pleaded with him not to leave.她请求他别走。

to plead for sth恳求某物

She wrote to the Prime Minister pleading for restraint.她写信给首相恳请他克制。

to plead for mercy恳求宽恕

He was kneeling on the floor pleading for mercy.他跪在地上请求宽恕。





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