

单词 plain
释义 plain¹ /pleɪn/ adj.

Smooth, plain surfaces are particularly attractive to graffiti sprayers.光滑、平坦的墙面尤其能吸引喷绘涂鸦者。


Whatever the terms used, the facts are plain enough.无论使用怎样的措辞, 事实都是非常清楚的。

It was plain to him that I was having a nervous breakdown.他明显看出我快要精神崩溃了。

it is plain that …很明显…

It was plain that Eddie wanted to get back to sleep.很明显埃迪想再接着睡觉。

to make it plain to sb that …让某人明白…;让某人清楚地认识到…

He made it plain to her that her job was under threat.他让她清楚地认识到, 她的工作岌岌可危。


Neville's job today is plain and simple.内维尔今天的工作简单、容易。

4.(frank)+ answer, question, person坦率的;坦白的;诚实的

You want plain answers and I don't have any.你想要坦率的回答, 那就别找我。

Let me be plain with you.坦白跟你说吧。

5.(lowly)+ person, home, workplace(尤指在社会地位或教育程度上)一般的, 普通的, 平常的

They were just plain folks.他们只是普通人。

It's just a plain old farm.这只是个普通的旧农场。

6.(without adornment)朴素的;简朴的;无装饰的

Bronwen's dress was plain but it hung well on her.布朗温的裙子很朴素, 但是很合身。

It was a plain, grey stone house.这是一座简朴的灰石房子。

I enjoy good plain food; nothing fancy.我喜欢吃美味的家常便饭, 不要什么山珍海味。

7.(without pattern)+ fabric, carpet, garment平纹的;平纺的;无花纹的

A plain carpet makes a room look bigger.平纹地毯让房间显得更大。

a plain white blouse一件平纹白色女衬衣


a shy, rather plain girl with pigtails一个相貌十分普通、扎着马尾的腼腆女孩

9.(not mixed)+ drink, food不掺杂的;纯的;清淡的

What's wrong with plain vodka?纯伏特加怎么了?

Every day you should drink several glasses of plain water.每天你都应该喝几杯白水。

Serve with plain rice or noodles.和白米饭或面条一起上。

10.(in knitting)平针的;用平针织的

Cast on 57 stitches and start knitting using plain knit stitch.起57针, 然后开始用平针织。

plain² /pleɪn/ adv.
+ stupid, ugly, weird显然;完全

I'm either mad or just plain stupid to even consider such a venture.我要么就是疯了, 要么就是蠢到家了, 竟然考虑去冒这个险。

His article was just plain silly.他的文章真是愚不可及。

The dog was just plain ugly.这只狗真是奇丑无比。

to be plain wrong
1.thing, idea, decision +完全错误

His conclusions are just plain wrong.他的结论完全是错误的。

2.person +大错特错

Rhodri is just plain wrong.罗德里大错特错了。

plain³ /pleɪn/ n.

On the plain were more buffalo than they had ever seen.平原上水牛之多, 他们一辈子都没有见到过。

They came down from the mountains and crossed the coastal plain.他们从山上下来, 然后穿过沿海的平原。

2.(in knitting)平针
plain and purl平针和反针
5.<爱尔兰>(alcoholic drink)清淡型黑啤酒(plain porter的简称)
plain⁴ /pleɪn/ vi.




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