

单词 pith
释义 pith¹ /pɪθ/ n.
1.+of fruit(橙、柚等柑橘类水果的)白衣, 果髓

Cut off peel and white pith from oranges.削掉橙的皮和白髓。


At its best, Steinbeck's writing has the pith of vernacular speech.最佳之处在于, 斯坦贝克的作品掌握了白话文的精髓。

The artist is turning his painterly eye to the pith of his own body and soul.这位画家正在将其艺术眼光投向他自己身心的精髓。

The pith of the story was that Webb had run several errands to Nazi Germany.故事的核心是韦布数次前往纳粹德国执行任务。


The essay needs less wit, more pith.这篇文章需要少些风趣, 多些实质内容。

the pith of the prosecutor's argument公诉人论点的实质

4.【植】+of stem髓;髓心

hollow grey twigs, full of soft pith, which snap off easily极易折断、充满柔软髓组织的中空细枝

5.【生】+of bone髓;+of feather毛髓
pith² /pɪθ/ vt.
1.(destroy brain and spinal cord of)+ laboratory animal针刺(或切割)捣毁…的大脑和脊髓
2.(kill)+ animal以断髓法杀死;切断脊髓杀死
3.(remove pith from)+ plant去掉…的髓




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