

单词 piss
释义 piss¹ /pɪs/ n.

I've got to take a piss.我得解小便。


A stream of piss ran out from under the door.一股尿从门下流出。

The place smelled like cat piss.这个地方闻着有猫尿味。


Dad thinks it's okay if we drink the piss at home and then go out.爸爸觉得我们在家喝完啤酒再出去没什么问题。

4.on the piss狂饮;痛饮

You can't go out on the piss every night.你不能每天晚上都出去狂饮。

5.a piece of piss易获之物;易做之事

Directing? It's a piece of piss.当导演?小事一桩。

6.to take the piss取笑;嘲弄

Are you taking the piss?你在取笑我吗?

7.to take the piss out of sb拿某人开玩笑;取笑某人

He kept taking the piss out of Mike because he liked dancing.因为迈克喜欢跳舞, 他一直拿这件事取笑他。

piss² /pɪs/
🄰 vi.

He was caught pissing against the wall.他被抓到对墙撒尿。

it's pissing with rain下大雨

She's into long walks in the woods when it's pissing with rain.下大雨时, 她在树林里走了很久了。

🄱 vt.

He'd been pissing blood for months.他尿血已经几个月了。

to piss yourselforto piss your pants尿裤子

The Nerd looked like he was going to piss his pants.那呆子看上去好像要尿裤子了。

to piss yourselforto piss yourself laughing大笑不止;笑破肚皮;笑得不能自已

He pissed himself when he heard what had happened.听到发生了什么事之后, 他大笑不止。

2.to piss all over sth远远优于;大大胜过

a version that pisses all over the original远超原作的版本

Phrasal Verbspiss about,piss around,piss down,piss off




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