

单词 pinch
释义 pinch¹ /pɪntʃ/ n.
1.(with fingers)掐;捏;拧

She squeezed his arm, almost a pinch.她捏着他的手臂, 几乎就是在掐他。

to give sb a pinch捏某人一下;掐某人一下;拧某人一下

She gave him a pinch on the cheek.她在他的脸颊上捏了一下。

2.+of salt, spice, sugar一捏;一撮;少许

Season with a little salt and a pinch of cinnamon.用少许盐和一撮肉桂来调味。

3.(small amount)少许;一点点
a pinch of common sense一点点常识

Stephanie felt a pinch of envy.斯蒂芬妮觉得有一点点羡慕。

He opened the gate a pinch.他把大门开了一条缝。

5.<非正式>(police raid, arrest)(警察)搜捕, 逮捕, 抓捕
at a pinch<英>必要时;不得已时

Six people, and more at a pinch, could be seated comfortably at the table.这张桌子可以很舒服地坐6个人, 而且必要时多坐几个也不会挤。

Wrap the chicken in vine leaves (cabbage will do at a pinch).用藤叶将鸡包裹起来(必要时也可以用圆白菜叶代替)。

to feel the pinch感到手头拮据;感到囊中羞涩

Consumers are spending less and traders are feeling the pinch.消费者支出在减少, 商人们感觉日子不好过。

The big fashion houses have been feeling the pinch lately.近来大型时装商店生意萧条。

in a pinch
(in difficult situation)身处困境;处境艰难

Everyone knew he was in a pinch.每个人都知道他境况艰难。

<美>(if necessary)必要时;不得已

You should preferably serve the drink in a silver cup, but pewter will do in a pinch.你最好用银杯子上酒水, 不得已的话也可以用白镴杯子。

pinch² /pɪntʃ/
🄰 vt.
1.(press tightly)(尤指用拇指和食指)拧, 掐
(with fingers)(用手指)挤, 捏

He pinched me!他掐我!

Stop pinching me!别掐我!

She pinched his arm as hard as she could.她使出浑身的力气拧他的胳膊。

2.shoes +挤压;挤迫;夹痛;挤痛

These shoes are pinching me.我这双鞋夹脚。

3.(cause pain to)使刺痛;使疼痛

The cold pinched his face.他的脸冻得发痛。

4.(make thin)使憔悴;使消瘦

A worried expression pinched her face.脸上焦虑的神情使她看起来有些憔悴。

6.<非正式>(steal, take)偷窃;窃取;擅自拿走

Quite a few people have tried to pinch this idea.好多人都曾试图盗用这个创意。

Pickpockets pinched his wallet in the city centre.扒手在市中心偷走了他的钱包。


He got pinched for fare evasion.他因逃票而被捕。

🄱 vi.
1.shoe +挤压;挤迫;夹痛;挤痛

These shoes pinch—I should have bought a larger size.我的鞋挤脚——我要是买大一号的就好了。

2.【矿】ore +狭缩;变薄;尖灭

The ore pinches out on the west side.矿脉在西侧渐渐变窄。

to pinch pennies节衣缩食;省吃俭用;精打细算

The company was forced to sell assets and pinch pennies wherever possible.这家公司被迫卖掉资产并且尽量精打细算。

The team haven't pinched pennies either, spending about $100 million on a fleet of five boats.这个团队也没有节省开支——花了大约一亿美元购置了由五条船组成的船队。

to pinch yourself<口,非正式>(因不敢相信是真的或感觉像做梦而)掐自己

I kept pinching myself to prove that it wasn't all a dream.我一直在掐自己, 证明这不是在做梦。

Phrasal Verbspinch off,pinch out,pinch back




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