

单词 pedal
释义 pedal¹ /ˈpiːdəl/ n.
1.+of cycle, car脚蹬子;踏板

an exercise bike with one pedal有一个脚蹬子的健身自行车

a brake pedal刹车踏板

2.+of musical instrument, sewing machine踏板;脚键盘

We borrowed the pulls, pedals and keys from an antique-organ collector.我们从古董管风琴收藏家那里借来了音栓、脚键盘和键盘。

Mothers spent their evening pressing the pedals of a sewing machine.妈妈们整晚都在踩缝纫机。

pedal² /ˈpiːdəl/ comp.

It is an adult pedal cart that is used by larger handicapped children.这是一架成人脚踏代步车, 供个子较高的残疾儿童使用。

pedal³ /ˈpiːdəl/(pedals,pedalling,pedalled)<英>(pedals,pedaling,pedaled)<美>
🄰 vt.
1.(propel)+ bicycle, boat踩踏板使…行驶

They plan to pedal a human-powered boat 2,250 miles across the Atlantic.他们计划用脚踏船航行2,250英里, 横跨大西洋。

His mother sometimes pedalled a bicycle as many as 40 miles a day.他妈妈有时一天骑40英里之远的自行车。

They will learn to pedal a trike.他们将学习蹬三轮车。

2.(operate)+ mechanism踩踏板操作

He switched off mains electricity and got Tim to pedal a generator instead.他切断主电源, 让蒂姆用脚踏发电机发电。

🄱 vi.
1.(propel a vehicle)踩踏板行进

His legs were aching from pedalling too fast.他的两条腿因为蹬得太快而酸疼。

She was too tired to pedal back.她太累了, 骑不回来了。

I pedalled to school.我骑自行车去了学校。

2.(play instrument)踩乐器的踏板(或脚键盘)
3.(operate any pedals)踩动踏板
pedal⁴ /ˈpiːdəl/ adj.

a fracture of the pedal bone蹄骨骨折

pedal appendages足部附肢

pedal fetishism恋足癖





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