

单词 assert
释义 assert /əˈsɜːt/ vt.

Altman asserted, 'We were making a political statement about western civilization and greed.'奥尔特曼坚称“我们发表的是关于西方文明和贪婪的政治宣言”。

to assert that坚称…;断言…

The Minister asserts that the briefing never reached him.部长坚称自己从未收到过这份简报。

to assert your innocence坚称自己无辜

The defendants continue to assert their innocence.被告继续坚称自己是无辜的。

2.(establish)+ right, claim, power, authority维持;维护

The republics began asserting their right to govern themselves.各个共和国开始维护自治的权利。

The people have asserted their power.人民维护了自己的权力。

He wished to assert his authority in his own house.他希望在家里维持自己的权威。

3.(with confidence)+ view, opinion坚持

We encouraged him to assert his own view.我们鼓励他坚持自己的观点。

to assert yourself坚持自己的主张;表现坚定

He's speaking up and asserting himself.他公开表明了自己的看法并坚持己见。





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