

单词 pay
释义 pay¹ /peɪ/(pays,paying,paid)
🄰 vt.
1.+ bill, tax, interest付清;偿还

He paid his bill and left.他结完账离开了。

The wealthy may have to pay higher taxes.富人可能得缴纳更高的税款。

2.+ worker向…支付酬劳;付钱给…
+ amount支付;花费

I've left you some money to pay the window cleaner.我给你留了点钱来支付擦窗工人的酬劳。

to be paid monthly按月支付

Most salary-earners are paid monthly.大多数工薪阶层的工资都是按月发放。

to pay sb their wages向某人支付工资

We refused to pay them their wages.我们拒绝支付他们的工资。

to pay (a specific amount) for sth为…花费…

I paid £10 for that CD.我花10英镑买了那张唱片。

(as wage, salary)向某人支付…

They pay me £6.50 an hour.他们一小时付给我6.5英镑。

They pay me more on Sundays.周日工作他们会多付给我一些报酬。

I'll pay you (a specific amount) if …如果…就付给你…

I'll pay you £50 if you get the work finished by this evening.如果你在今晚之前完成这项工作, 我就付给你50英镑。

to pay extra for sth为…额外付费

You have to pay extra for parking.停车要额外付费。

3.(be beneficial to)对(某人)有益

It might pay you to negotiate a longer tenancy.协商的租期长一点可能对你有利。

It won't pay you to do that.你那样做一点好处都没有。

4.(give)+ attention, compliment, tribute, homage给予
to pay attention给予注意;给予重视

He's not paying attention.他没在意。

to pay attention to sb关注某人;在意某人

Don't pay any attention to him!不要在意他!

to pay no attention to sth不在意某事
5.+ visit进行(拜访)
to pay sb a visit拜访某人

Paul paid us a visit last night.保罗昨晚来看我们了。

6.(yield return)产生…利润

The shares pay 15 per cent.股票赢利15%。

7.【海】+ vessel使转向;使自由移动
8.【海】+ vessel seams用沥青(或焦油)填塞
(deal with consequences of)+ mistake为…受到惩罚;为…付出代价

I had to pay the penalty for the wrong decisions I made.我要为自己的错误决定付出代价。

She married the wrong person and has paid the price for it.她嫁错了人, 也因此付出了代价。

🄱 vi.
1.(be profitable)product, investment, company +有收益;有利润
to make a business pay使企业赢利

You've got to be able to make your business pay.你得能让你的企业赢利。

2.(be beneficial)有好处

Doing things in a hurry doesn't pay.做事急躁没有好处。

it pays to do sth做某事有好处

It pays to invest in training.为培训投资是值得的。

crime doesn't pay犯罪没好处
3.(hand over money)支付;付款
to pay for sth为…付费
to pay by cheque用支票支付
to pay by credit card用信用卡支付
4.(in revenge)报以;报复

He paid for the insult with a blow.他挥拳对遭到的侮辱给以还击。

to pay court to sb<文>(court, flirt)向某人求爱;追求某人

It is not honourable to pay court to more than one lady at the same time.同一时间追求几个女人不是什么光彩的事。

to pay dividends
(bring benefits)产生收益;得到好处

The investment will pay dividends.这项投资会有回报的。

to pay for itself
investment +收回成本

investments in energy efficiency that would pay for themselves within five years五年之内能够回本的节能方面的投资

to pay good money for sth
(pay a lot)为…花一大笔钱

I paid good money for this, and it is already broken.我为这个花了一大笔钱, 可它已经坏了。

to pay your last respects to sb
(attend funeral)出席某人的葬礼
to pay lip service to sth
(feign support)假装赞成某事;口头上支持某事

They only pay lip service to the idea.他们只是口头上支持这个主意。

to pay your respects to sb<正式>(send greeting)向某人问好

Please pay my respects to your grandmother.请代我向你的奶奶问好。

to pay through the nose for sth<非正式>(pay too much)为…付出巨大代价

He had to pay through the nose for it.他不得不为此付出昂贵的代价。

to pay your way
(support yourself)养活自己

I went to college anyway, as a part-time student, paying my own way.不管怎样我还是去上大学了, 半工半读来养活自己。

The British film industry could not pay its way without a substantial export market.要是没有庞大的出口市场, 英国电影产业根本无法自负盈亏。

Phrasal Verbspay back,pay down,pay for,pay in,pay off,pay out,pay up
pay² /peɪ/ n.
1.(salary)+of (manual) worker报酬

their complaints about their pay and conditions他们对薪酬和工作条件的抱怨

The pay is dreadful.报酬糟透了。

3.in the pay of sb
(employed by)受雇于某人

He's in the pay of gangsters.他受雇于匪徒。

pay³ /peɪ/ adj.

the workers' demand for a 20% pay rise员工要求20%的工资涨幅

2.+ phone需投币(或刷卡)付费的

a pay phone付费电话





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