

单词 path
释义 path /pɑːθ/ n.( 复paths)
1.(track; for pedestrians)小路;小径

We followed the path along the clifftops.我们沿着悬崖顶上的小路前进。

Feet had worn a path in the rock.人们的足迹在岩石间磨出了一条小路。

a path through the trees穿过树林的小路

2.(from gate to door of house)(从大门通往房门口的)小路, 花园小径

He went up the garden path to knock on the door.他沿花园小径走上前去敲门。

The children can ride their tricycles up the path.孩子们可以沿着小路骑三轮自行车。

3.+of person(前行的)路径, 去路

She did not notice the man until he moved into her path.直到那个男子走到她这个方向上来, 她才注意到。

to block sb's path堵住某人的去路;拦住某人的去路

A group of reporters blocked his path.一群记者堵住了他的去路。

4.+of vehicle, object(移动的)路线, 路径

He stepped without looking into the path of a reversing car.他没留神, 走到了一辆正在倒车的车子后面。

The little boy ran into the path of a car.小男孩跑到了一辆开过来的汽车前方。

The storm wrecked homes in its path.暴风雨经过之处, 房屋尽毁。

5.(course of action)途径;方式;行动路线

The opposition appear to have chosen the path of cooperation rather than confrontation.反对党似乎采取了合作的行动路线, 而不是对立。

to take a path采取某种方式

I criticized the path the government was taking.我批评了政府采取的方式。

7.to cross sb's pathorto cross paths偶遇(某人)

Over the years, Yul and Kirk had crossed paths many times.这些年来, 尤尔和柯克已经偶遇了很多回。

I crossed his path several times.我遇到过他几次。

8.to put an obstacle in sb's path给某人设置障碍

The Church of England put a serious obstacle in the path of women who want to become priests.英国国教会给想成为牧师的女性设置了重重障碍。

9.to put sb/sth on the path to sth帮助…开始实现某事

He promised he would put the country on the path to economic recovery.他许诺将帮助这个国家走上经济复苏的道路。





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