

单词 partition
释义 partition¹ /pɑːˈtɪʃən/ n.
1.【政】+of country(国家的)分裂

the partition of India in 19471947年印度的分裂

areas ruled by the Russian Tsar during Poland's period of partition波兰被分割期间俄国沙皇的统治区

2.(in room, car)隔板;隔断

The room had been divided into little cubicles with wooden partitions.房间被木隔板分成了若干小隔间。

Her taxicab has a thick perspex partition between the passengers' seats and the driver.她的出租车里, 乘客座位和驾驶员之间装着厚厚的有机玻璃隔板。

a glass partition玻璃隔断

3.(sharing out)分割;瓜分
the partition of forest lands对林地的分割

She wanted to join the imperialist powers and foresaw a partition of the whole world among them.她想加入帝国主义列强, 并预见到整个世界会被他们瓜分。


the partition of inheritances over the ages长期以来对于遗产的分割

5.【数】+of integer分解
6.【数】+of class划分
9.【修辞】入题, 分题(指演讲中进入正题的第二部分)
partition² /pɑːˈtɪʃən/ vt.
1.+ room分开;隔开

Bedrooms have been created by partitioning a larger room.几间卧室由一间大房隔成。

He sat on the two-seater sofa in the partitioned office.他坐在隔出的办公室里的一张双人沙发上。

2.+ country使分裂

Britain was accused of trying to partition the country 'because of historic enmity'.英国被指“出于历史仇恨”企图分裂该国。

One plan involved partitioning the country.一项计划涉及分裂这个国家。

to be partitioned被分裂

The island has been partitioned since the mid-1970s.该岛自20世纪70年代中期起就分裂了。

3.【律】+ property分割
4.【计】+ hard disk给…分区
Phrasal Verbpartition off




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