

单词 paradise
释义 paradise /ˈpærəˌdaɪs/ n.

If they were captured, they wished to die, believing that they would go to paradise.如果被捕, 他们希望去死, 因为他们相信自己能够上天堂。

2.【宗】(garden of delights)(伊斯兰教《古兰经》中描述的)天园, 乐园

The Koran describes paradise as a place containing a garden of delight.《古兰经》将天园描述为一个乐园。

3.【神学】(intermediate abode)乐园(某些神学家认为耶稣死后到复活前所处的居间之境)
4.【圣经】(Garden of Eden)伊甸园
5.(perfect place or situation)天堂, 胜地(喻指满足人所有欲望的地方)

one of the world's great natural paradises世界上最美的自然乐园之一

The hostel is a paradise compared to the camp.与营地相比, 招待所是个天堂。

an island paradise一座天堂岛
paradise on earth人间天堂
a shoppers' paradise购物者的天堂

The Algarve is a golfer's paradise.阿尔加维是高尔夫球手的天堂。

Very few people have the money to take advantage of this consumer paradise.有钱来享受这个购物天堂的人寥寥无几。





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