

单词 overpay
释义 overpay /ˌəʊvəˈpeɪ/ vt.(overpays,overpaying,overpaid)
1.(pay at too high a rate)付给…过高报酬

Management has to make sure it does not overpay its staff.管理层必须确保没有向员工支付过高工资。

£10 an hour? I'm sure you're overpaying that girl.一小时10英镑?你给那个女孩的工资肯定给太高了。

2.(pay more than is due)多付钱给…
+ amount of money多付给某人…钱款

I accidentally overpaid the taxi driver by £5.我不小心多给了出租车司机5英镑。

The scheme will overpay some lawyers and underpay others.该方案使一些律师获得过高酬劳, 而其他律师则报酬过低。





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