

单词 out of
释义 out of /aʊt əv/ prep.
1.(from inside to outside)从…(向外);从…里(朝外)

Julia ran out of the room.朱莉娅从房间里跑了出去。

He looked out of the window.他向窗户外望去。

to drink out of a glass就着杯子喝
2.(away from, not within)在…外;不在…范围内

He lives out of town.他住在城外。

3 km out of town离城镇3公里远

They watched the ship until it was out of sight.他们一直望着那艘船, 直到它驶出了视线。

The target was still out of range.目标仍在射程之外。

to get sb out of trouble使某人摆脱困境
3.(indicating motive)由于;出于

He accepted the job out of a sense of duty.他是出于责任感才接受了这份工作。

4.(indicating construction material)由…(制成);用…(建成)
made out of plastic用塑料制成的
5.(indicating the source of a benefit)从…中(获得乐趣);从…上(得到好处)

We've all had a lot of fun out of this game.我们大家都从这个游戏中获得了很多乐趣。

6.(indicating the person from whom sth is extracted)从…口中(问出);从…身上(得到)

We can't get the name of her accomplice out of her.我们无法从她口中问出同伙的名字。

She couldn't get a word out of him all evening.整个晚上她什么也没从他嘴中问出来。

7.(indicating proportion)分之…;…之中的…

Three out of four cats preferred this brand.四分之三的猫都偏爱这一品牌。

in 99 cases out of 100百分之九十九的情况下

to be out of sth
(have none left of sth)用光…;耗尽…

She was completely out of sugar.她把糖全用光了。

(be eliminated from)被淘汰

These players did not make the cut and are out of the competition.这些球员未能取得进入后两轮比赛的资格而被淘汰。

out of it
(excluded, not involved)局外的;排除在外的
(drunk or drugged)(因醉酒或吸毒而)神志不清的, 精神恍惚的




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