单词 | out |
释义 | out¹ 1.(from within to outside)(从里面)向外, 往外 Please get out your books.请把你们的书拿出来。 2.(outside)在外面;在室外 It's cold out.外面很冷。 out there在外面的那个地方 out here在外面的这个地方 3.(away from home)不在家;离家;出门在外 an evening out出门在外的一个晚上 4.(away, at a distance)在别处;在离岸处;在远处 He scored from 30 metres out.他在30米开外把球打进。 out at sea在海上 The boat was 10 km out.那只船已经离岸10公里了。 out in Australia远在澳大利亚 out there (in place, country)远在那里 5.(outward)外出;去远处 the journey out外出的行程 6.(of the tide)(潮水)在最低水位, 在退潮 The tide is going out.潮水正在退去。 7.(indicating obliteration)去除;被删掉 I crossed out the word.我勾掉了这个单词。 8.(indicating removal)(从织物等上)去除, 消失 The stain just won't come out.这个污点就是除不掉。 9.(into extinction)到枯竭;至灭绝;殆尽 All the lights went out.所有的灯都灭了。 10.(to a finish)(指达成动作或行为的目的)完全, 彻底地 They fought it out.他们一决雌雄。 11.(indicating becoming visible or known)出现;显露 The sun came out.太阳出来了。 12.【商】(indicating availability)可购买;已上市;已发行 13.【体】(removed from play)出局;被淘汰 14.【体】(outside playing area)(球)在界外, 出界 15.(on strike)在罢工 16.<非正式>(in existence)(与最高级连用)目前存在 He's the friendliest dog out.他是世界上最友善的狗。 17.<澳,新西兰,古>(to Australia or New Zealand)在澳大利亚(或新西兰);去澳大利亚(或新西兰) out² 1.(not inside, extracted)外面的;非附加的;非内含的 2.(not at home)不在家的;离家的;出门在外的 She's out.她不在家。 She's out shopping.她出去买东西了。 David's out for the afternoon.戴维下午不在家。 3.【体】(removed from play)+ batter, player淘汰的;出局的 to be out出局 You're out!你出局了! Pakistan were all out for 82.巴基斯坦队得了82分后就全部出局了。 4.【体】(outside playing area)(球)出界的, 界外的 The serve was out.发球出界了。 5.【政】(not in office)在野的;不执政的;下台的 6.(inaccurate)错误的;不准确的;有误差的 a few centimetres out几厘米的误差 to be out in your calculations计算有误差 to be out by sth有…的误差 7.<美>(out of pocket)损失的;亏蚀的;赔钱的 8.(no longer burning)(火、灯)熄灭的 All the lights are out.所有的灯都熄灭了。 9.(not operating)不运转的;失灵的;出故障的 10.(used up)用完的;耗尽的 11.(unconscious)昏迷的;不省人事的;失去知觉的 12.(on strike)罢工的 13.(available to the public)+ book, record, report面市的;问世的;发行的 14.(known)被知晓的;公开的 Their secret is out.他们的秘密已经被公开了。 15.(visible)出来的;可看见的 The sun is out.太阳出来了。 16.(in flower)开花的;绽放的 17.(not possible)不可能的;不值得考虑的 18.(not allowed)不允许的;不准的 19.(finished)完成的;结束的;终了的 before the week was out在这个星期结束之前 when the month was out在月末的时候 20.(out of fashion)不时髦的;不流行的;过时的 21.(worn into holes)穿破了的;有洞的 This sweater is out at the elbows.这件毛衣肘部已经磨破了。 22.(intent on)渴求的;做好打算的 to be out for sth有…的打算 to be out to do sth力图做某事 23.(hired or being used)手头没有的;(尤指)已出租在外的 24.(as a homosexual)公开宣称自己是同性恋的;公开同性恋身份的 25.<过时>(in society)+ young woman进入社会的 26.<古>(in arms)(尤指在叛乱中)武装起来的 idiom out³ ◆out to it<澳,新西兰,非正式>(尤指因醉酒)睡着, 不省人事 1.<美,非正式>(out of)从…出来;通过…出去 2.<古或方>(outside)在…之外;超过…界限 out⁴ 1.(indicating dismissal)走开;出去;滚开 2.【无线电】(when signing off)(呼叫用语)通话完毕 over and out通话完毕 idiom out⁵ ◆out with it说出来;想什么说什么 🄰 vt. 1.(expose)揭发;揭露 (as homosexual)披露…为同性恋 The New York gay action group 'Queer Nation' recently outed an American Congressman.纽约的争取同性恋者权益组织 “酷儿国度”最近披露了一位美国国会议员的同性恋身份。 to out sb as sth揭发某人为… 2.<澳>(suspend)使出局;淘汰 🄱 vi. 显现;显露 The truth will out.真相终将大白。 out⁶1.(method of escape)出路;脱身之计;推脱的借口 2.【棒】(putout)出局;杀出局 3.【印】(omission from text)(文字的)漏排, 脱漏 4.【印】(words omitted)漏排文字 idiom ◆ins and outsSeein³ |
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