

单词 other
释义 other¹ /ˈʌðə/ determiner
1.(additional, remaining)(已提及的人或事物同一类中)别的, 其他的, 另外的

May I make one other point?我可以谈一点吗?

Sitting with the officer were two other policemen.同这位警官坐在一起的是另外两位警察。

any other任何其他的

They were just like any other young couple.他们就和其他任何一对年轻夫妇一样。

no other别无其他的

The press release gave no other details.新闻界并未透露其他细节。

2.(different)(表示与已提及的人或事物不同)别的, 其他的

Have you got these jeans in other colours?这些牛仔裤有其他颜色的吗?

Calls are cheaper in the evening than at other times.晚上的话费比其他任何时候都便宜。

any other其他的

Smoking, more than any other drug, kills.吸烟致死, 甚于其他任何毒品。

some other另一些的

He made some other excuse.他找了些别的借口。

3.the other …
(of two things or people)(两个中)另外的…

The Captain was at the other end of the room.船长在房间的另一头。

You deliberately went in the other direction.你故意朝另一个方向走。

Half of the researchers have first degrees, the other half have PhDs.这些研究人员一半人拥有学士学位, 一半人拥有博士学位。


toys, paints, books and other equipment玩具、颜料、书本和其他用品

The new development will incorporate shops, restaurants and other amenities.这个新建住宅区包含商店、餐馆和其他生活便利设施。

5.(referring to the rest of a group)(一组人或事物中)其余的, 其他的, 剩下的

His other interests included collecting and restoring antique clocks.他的其他兴趣包括收集和修复古钟。

This book is only a fraction of the length of her other novels.这本书的长度远不及她的其他小说。

The other members of the band were really keen to do the tour.这个乐队的其他成员确实非常想进行巡回演出。

6.other people
(people in general)(泛指)别人, 其他人

She likes to be with other people.她喜欢与人交往。

I don't care about what other people think.我不在乎别人怎么想。

7.the other day/evening/week etc<非正式>(in expressions of time)前几天/不久以前的晚上/几个星期前等

I saw him just the other day.我前不久刚见过他。

I saw a funny piece in an American magazine the other week.几个星期前我在一本美国杂志上看到了一篇有趣的文章。

8.among other …除了别的以外;别的不说

He moved to England where, among other things, he worked as a journalist.他移居英格兰, 干过不少工作, 包括做记者。

9.every other …
(referring to periods of time, events)每隔…的

Their diet includes meat at least every other day.他们至少每隔一天吃一次肉。

(all other)(一组人或事物中)其余的, 剩下的(用于强调)

This film is like every other romantic comedy you've ever seen.这部电影跟你看过的所有其他浪漫喜剧没什么两样。

10.no other sth than to do sth只有;除…外没有

They have left us with no other choice than to take legal action.他们逼得我们别无选择, 只能诉诸法律。

11.other things being equal其他情况都相同的话
other² /ˈʌðə/ pron.
1.(additional or remaining one)(已提及同类人或事物中的)其他人, 别的, 另一个
any other其他任何(人或事物)

It was a school day that began like any other.那是一个学校上课的日子, 起初和平时并没有什么两样。

one other另一个

Four crewmen were killed, and one other was slightly injured.四名船员丧生, 还有一人受了轻伤。

2.(different person or thing)(表示与已提及的人或事物不同)别人, 其他事物

This issue, more than any other, has divided her cabinet.是这一事件造成了她的内阁分裂, 跟其他事情无关。

3.the other
(of two things or people)(两个中的)另一个

One walks while the other rides.一个人走路, 另一个人骑马。

See alsoothers
4.no other<古>别无其他

I can do no other.我只能这么做。

5.orother(用于“somehow or other " 、“someone or other ” 等短语中)某个, 某些

She's going out with some actor or other – I can't remember his name.她正要和某个演员出去约会——我不记得他的名字了。

Somebody or other once said that life is short but art is long.有人曾经说过, 人生短暂, 学问无涯。

Helen had come in, fussing about something or other.海伦进来了, 不知因为什么事正闹脾气。

other³ /ˈʌðə/ adj.

This love is wholly other than I expected.这样的爱情和我所期待的完全不一样。

He couldn't be other than what he is.他只能做他自己。

other⁴ /ˈʌðə/ adv.
(apart from)(用于否定陈述后)除了…以外

Other than Derek, she never discussed it with anyone.除了德里克, 她从未和任何人讨论过这件事。

other⁵ /ˈʌðə/ n.
1.the other【哲,宗】(被视为与自身不同的)他者
2.a bit of the other<英,幽默>那个事儿(性交的委婉说法)




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