

单词 opinion
释义 opinion /əˈpɪnjən/ n.
1.(point of view)意见;看法

He asked me my opinion.他问了我的意见。

in my opinion在我看来

Well, he's not making a very good job of it, in my opinion.然而, 在我看来, 这件事他做得不尽如人意。

In my opinion, you should wait.依我看, 你应该等等。

in sb's opinion在某人看来

The book is, in Henry's opinion, the best book on the subject.在亨利看来, 这本书是关于该主题的最佳之作。

what's your opinion?你什么意见?
to hold an opinion持有意见

He held the opinion that a government should think before introducing a tax.他认为政府在开征新税前应仔细斟酌。

to express your opinion发表你的观点

Most who expressed an opinion spoke favorably of Thomas.多数发表意见的人都说托马斯的好话。

The students were eager to express their opinions.学生们迫不及待要发表自己的意见。

if you want my opinion依我看;要我说

If you want my honest opinion, I don't think it will work.说实话, 我认为它行不通。


Difficulties arise where there's a difference of opinion.意见不一致时就比较难办了。

2.(prevailing view)舆论

Some, I suppose, might even be in positions to influence opinion.有的人, 我认为, 甚至有可能影响舆论。

There is a broad consensus of opinion about the policies that should be pursued.对应当实行何种政策, 舆论达成了广泛一致的意见。

(opinions differ or disagree)意见有分歧

Scientific opinion is divided over the health risks.在健康风险问题上科学界意见有分歧。

(good impression)的好印象

That improved Mrs Goole's already favourable opinion of him.那件事更加深了古尔太太对他本来就不错的印象。

(good impression)对…有好印象
(be proud)自鸣得意

After their bad results, they are not likely to have a very high opinion of themselves.拿到那么糟糕的成绩, 他们不大可能太自鸣得意。

4.+of expert, doctor专家意见;鉴定

Even if you have had a regular physical check-up recently, you should still seek a medical opinion.即使近期做过常规体检, 你也应当征求医生的意见。

(by second person)征求另一个专家的意见
5.【律】+of barrister律师意见书
6.a matter of opinion看法因人而异的问题

Well, that's a matter of opinion.哦, 那是个见仁见智的问题。

7.of the opinion<正式>观点;…想法;…意见

He is of the opinion that money is not important.他认为钱并不重要。





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