

单词 people
释义 people¹ /ˈpiːpəl/ npl.
1.(in general)人, 人们(people的复数形式)

There were 120 people at the lecture.有120人听讲座。

Millions of people have lost their homes.数百万人失去了家园。

It is illegal and could endanger other people's lives.这不合法, 而且可能危及他人的性命。

The people were nice.人们都很友好。

The room was full of people.房间里挤满了人。

How many people are there in your family?你家里有几口人?

She seemed surprised when several people laughed.当一些人大笑时她似乎很惊讶。

2.(indefinite use)(泛指)人们

People shouldn't make promises that they can't keep.人们不应许下不能信守的承诺。

There has been a complete change in people's ideas on the subject.人们对这个问题的观念已经完全改变了。

people say that …人们说···;听说···;据说···

I've heard people say that they should just send in the bulldozers and if the protesters don't move that's their problem.我听人们说过, 就是应当把推土机开进去, 而如果抗议者不走, 那就后果自负。

3.(with something in common)同一类人
old people老年人

young people年轻人

black people黑人

4.the people
(ordinary people)平民;老百姓

a man of the people平民中的一员

(in a country)一国人民;民众

the will of the people人民的意愿

a rift between the people and their leadership民众与领导层之间的裂痕

The people will decide when they vote on May 21st.人民在5月21日投票时将会做出决定。

5.(with same nationality)民族;一国人民

French people法国人民

the people of Angola安哥拉人民

sb's people某人的家人

He took her home to meet his people.他把她带回家与他的家人见面。

7.(loyal people)效忠当权者的人;下属;随从;仆从
sb's people某人的随从

The king's people accompanied him in exile.国王的御前人员陪同他流亡国外。

people² /ˈpiːpəl/ n.( 复peoples)
(nation, race)民族;种族

a proud people自豪的民族

the native peoples of Central America中美洲各土著民族

people³ /ˈpiːpəl/ vt.

Other people had the gift of peopling their lives with friends and colleagues.其他人善于在自己的生活中结交朋友和同事。

to be peopled by sb/sth
1.place +住着…的

It was peopled by a fiercely independent race of peace-loving Buddhists.那里住着一个与世隔绝的种族, 人们都是爱好和平的佛教徒。

2.novel, history +全是有关…的描写;都是有关…的记录

British history of the 19th century is peopled by energetic reformers.19世纪的英国历史是劲头十足的改革者的历史。

to be peopled with充满···;都是···

His novels are peopled with extraordinary characters.他的小说里全是非同一般的人物。





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