n.1.+of school男校友
Eton College, with its long list of famous old boys拥有众多知名校友的伊顿公学
Cardiff High School Old Boys' rugby team加的夫中学校友橄榄球队
2.<非正式>(old man)老头
Outside, two old boys lingered on the street corner discussing cattle.外面, 两个老头儿在街角迟迟不走, 聊着牛的事情。
He was a nice old boy.他是个好老头儿。
I'm sure the old boy is right, but we're not going to change our policy.我确定这个老家伙是对的, 但我们不会改变我们的政策。
She called him 'Old Boy'.她叫他“老家伙”。