

单词 off your game
1.(amusing activity)游戏;玩耍;娱乐;消遣

This is a great game for children's parties.这是孩子们聚会上一个好玩的游戏。

The children were playing a game.那些孩子们正在玩游戏。

2.(as contest;board game)棋类比赛;+of cards游戏

a game of Monopoly“大富翁”游戏

a game of cards纸牌游戏

a poker game扑克牌游戏

the wonderful game of football精彩的足球比赛

3.(informal match)(比赛的)一局, 一盘, 一场

a game of tennis一局网球赛

Anyone fancy a game of football?有人想踢一场足球吗?

a game of cricket against Birkenhead School一场与伯肯黑德学校的板球比赛


Once I was through the first set, my game picked up.我第一盘胜出后, 比赛就顺当起来了。


Until now, the Americans have been playing a very delicate political game.直到现在, 美国人一直在玩弄着精心设计的政治花招。

It's a ridiculous game of bluff and counterbluff.那是个虚张声势与反虚张声势的荒诞伎俩。

The government is playing a very shrewd political game.该政府在玩弄很精明的政治花招。

11.【猎】(hunted animals)猎物;野味

men who shot game for food靠捕猎获取食物的人

See alsobig game

fish, game, and poultry鱼肉、猎物肉和家禽肉

17.【网】(part of set)一局

Sampras leads by four games to one.桑普拉斯以4:1的局数领先。

She won six games to love in the second set.第二盘她以6:0取胜。

18.(all)part of the game
(a normal part of the situation)常有的事;司空见惯的事

For investors, risks are part of the game.对投资者而言, 风险是常有的事。

It's all part of the game.这是家常便饭。

19.at sb's own game
(using similar methods)用其人之道还治其人之身

He must anticipate the manoeuvres of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game.他必须预见到其他律师的策略, 然后以彼之道击败他们。

The police knew that to trap the killer they had to play him at his own game.警方清楚, 他们必须将计就计才能抓住那个杀人凶手。

20.the game is up
(secret plans have been found out (and must stop))事已败露;戏该收场了

Some thought they would hold out until Sunday. The realists knew that the game was already up.有些人以为他们还能坚持到星期天。务实的人却很清楚, 戏已经收场了。

21.game over
(in sports match)(尤指因失败而)比赛结束, 游戏结束

The shot was missed and it was game over.这一球不中, 比赛就此结束。

His goal effectively signalled the end. Game over.他的进球事实上表明了结果。比赛结束。

(marriage, business, profession)(婚姻、生意、职业)没戏了, 玩完了, 结束了

It was game over for the marriage.这场婚姻走到了尽头。

An analyst at Altium Capital summed up the news as 'game over' for shareholders.阿尔蒂姆资本公司的一个分析员将此消息总结为股东“玩完了”。

22.game, set, and match
(in tennis)(尤指网球中)大获全胜, 完胜

It was game, set, and match for Serena Williams today in the women's single finals at Wimbledon.在今天温布尔登女单决赛中, 塞雷娜•威廉姆斯大获全胜。

(in argument, politics, etc)(在辩论、政治等活动中)压倒对手

In the Commons it was game, set, and match to William Hague.威廉•黑格在下议院的辩论中压倒了对手。

23.to give the game away
(reveal a secret)泄露秘密

In fact, Betty had given the game away herself in 1982, in The Times.事实上, 贝蒂本人1982年就在《泰晤士报》上泄露了秘密。

The faces of the two conspirators gave the game away!这两个同谋者的表情露出了破绽!

24.to make game of sb or to make a game of sb

It was not that they made game of him, but they could not understand how a man could be so ignorant.问题并非在于他们嘲笑了他, 而是他们无法理解一个人怎会如此无知。

25.the name of the game

Making a profit is the name of the game.盈利是首要目的。

26.new to a game
(new to something)对某事不熟悉;对某事没经验

Don't forget that she's new to this game and will take a while to complete the task.别忘了她在这方面是个新手, 完成任务还需要一些时间。

27.off your game
(a sport, etc)不在状态;发挥失常

He's been a little off his game this season.这个赛季他一直有些不在状态。

28.on the game<英,非正式>(working as a prostitute)卖淫;当男妓;当妓女
29.on your game
(a sport, etc)竞技状态好

The final lasted all of 54 minutes. Had she been on her game, it might have been over in half that.那场决赛持续了整整54分钟。要是她状态好的话, 比赛可能用一半时间就结束了。

30.to play the game
(behave fairly)办事公道;按规则行事

This time you've played the game by the book, reported everything, withheld nothing.这一次你倒是中规中矩, 该汇报的都汇报了, 也没有任何隐瞒。

The Prime Minister is playing the game, like, well, a gentleman.首相照章办事, 嗯, 颇有绅士风度。

31.playing games
(not treating sb/sth seriously)不认真对待;闹着玩

This is no time to be playing games, Janet.现在不是闹着玩的时候, 珍妮特。

This seemed to annoy Professor Steiner. 'Don't play games with me!' he shouted.这似乎惹火了斯坦纳教授。“别跟我闹着玩了!”他喊道。

From what I know of him, he doesn't play silly games.依我对他的了解, 他不会瞎闹着玩。

32.to raise your game
(perform better)sports player +(常指在压力下)表现得更好, 干得更出色, 竞技状态渐佳

The world No. 9 had to raise his game to see off a strong challenge from Dale.这位世界排名第九的选手必须调整状态, 才能战胜戴尔强有力的挑战。

organization, company +状况改善;情况好转

As it expands its services around the continent, the competition it offers should force the other airlines to raise their game.随着这家航空公司在整个大陆拓展业务, 它带来的竞争压力会迫使其他航空公司改善其服务。

See game




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