

单词 offer
释义 offer¹ /ˈɒfə/ n.
1.+of cigarette, job给予(物);提供(物)

She accepted the offer of a cigarette.她接过了递给她的一支烟。

He had refused several excellent job offers.他拒绝了几个非常好的工作机会。

Ingrid would not accept Steele's offer.英格丽德不会接受斯蒂尔的提议。

to turn down sb's offer of sth拒绝某人的提议

I reluctantly turned down her offer of a bed for the night.她要给我准备一张床过夜, 我不情愿地拒绝了。

2.+of money开价;报价
to make sb an offer向某人报价

I'll make you one final offer.我会给你一个最终报价。

She made me an offer too good to refuse.她给我的报价太好了, 我无法拒绝。

to make sb an offer for sth向某人报价购买…

He made me an offer for the car.他给我报了个价, 想要买那辆车。

3.+of compensation赔偿金

He has dismissed an offer of compensation.他拒绝接受赔偿金。

4.(in a shop)特价;特惠

This month's offers include a shirt, trousers, and bed covers.本月的特价品包括衬衣、裤子和床罩。

Today's special offer gives you a choice of three destinations.今天推出的特价线路有3个目的地可供选择。

6.<古>+of marriage求婚

She wanted to marry, but hadn't yet received an offer she could accept.她想结婚, 但还没有遇到她能够接受的求婚。

to make sb an offer they cannot refuse<非正式>(present with very good offer)向某人报让其无法拒绝的价码

Someone made me an offer for the business that I could not refuse .有人为这桩生意向我开了个无法拒绝的价码。

<非正式,幽默,讽>(threaten to harm)提出某人不得不照办的要求

They held a gun to his head and made him an offer he couldn't refuse.他们举枪对着他的脑袋, 提出了一个他不得不照办的要求。

on offer<英>(available)供使用的;待出售的

Savings schemes are the best retail investment products on offer.储蓄方案是现有最好的零售投资产品。

country cottages on offer at bargain prices低价出售的乡间小屋

Over 40 new books are on offer at 25 per cent off their normal retail price.超过40种新书降价25%出售。

(reduced in price)特价出售的

Olive oil is on offer this week.本周橄榄油特价出售。

open to offers愿意考虑买方出价的;愿意接受合理报价的

While the Kiwis are keen to have him, he is still open to offers.尽管新西兰人很想与他签约, 他仍然欢迎其他球队开价。

offer² /ˈɒfə/
🄰 vt.
1.+ job, post, place, seat给予;提供

Rhys offered him an apple.里斯给了他一个苹果。

I was offered a place at Harvard University.我在哈佛大学谋得一职。

The number of companies offering them work increased.给他们提供工作的公司数量增加了。

2.+ advice, assistance提供

Do you have any advice to offer parents?你有什么建议给父母吗?

She offered him emotional and practical support.她给他提供了情感上和实际上的支持。

3.+ congratulations, sympathy, thanks表示;表达

May I offer my congratulations?我可以表示祝贺吗?

The President has offered his sympathy to the Georgian people.总统向格鲁吉亚人民表示了同情。


She offered English as a second subject.她开设了作为第二学科的英语课。

5.+ service, product提供

We can offer you a quality service.我们能为你提供优质服务。

Sainsburys is offering customers 1p for each shopping bag re-used.顾客每重复使用一次购物袋, 塞恩斯伯里超市就会给予其1便士。

Eagle Star offers a 10% discount to the over-55s.鹰星保险公司为55岁以上的人提供10%的折扣。

6.(show willingness)愿意做

He offered to help me.他表示愿意帮助我。

I offered to go with them.我表示愿意和他们一起去。

7.+ proposal, opinion提出

Some members of Congress offered a proposal to legalize certain illegal immigrants.一些国会议员提出一项让某些非法移民合法化的建议。

8.【商】(present for sale)出售

The company is offering the house for £2 million.这家公司正在以200万英镑的价格出售这套房子。

9.(propose as payment)+ money出;付

Whitney has offered $21.50 a share in cash for 49.5 million Prime shares.惠特尼公司开出每股21.50美元的现金价收购4,950 万股普赖姆公司的股票。

He will offer Rachel a fair price for the land.他会给蕾切尔出一个公平的价格购买那块土地。

10.【宗】<文>+ prayers, sacrifice奉献;祭献

I offered a silent prayer that all would go well.我默默祈祷一切都会变好。

He will offer the first harvest of rice to the sun goddess.他将把收获的第一束稻子献给太阳女神。

11.<古>(show readiness for)对…表示准备就绪

He advanced north-east to offer battle.他向西北前进以准备开战。

🄱 vi.
1.(present itself)出现
if an opportunity should offer如果机会出现
2.<古>(propose marriage)求婚
to have sth to offer有…可欣赏;有…可用;有…可提供

In your free time, explore all that this incredible city has to offer.您可以在闲暇时间探索这座美妙城市的各种风情。

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