

单词 off
释义 off¹ /ɒf/ prep.
1.(not touching)从…移开;从…脱离

He took his feet off the desk.他把脚从桌上移开。

Hugh wiped the rest of the blood off his face.休擦去了脸上残留的血迹。

2.(getting out of)+ bus, train, plane从…上下来

Don't try to get on or off a moving train!火车运行时请勿上下车!

As he stepped off the aeroplane, he was shot dead.他一走下飞机便中枪身亡。

3.(away from)不去;远离

We need to keep criminals like him off the streets.我们要让像他这样的罪犯远离街头。

Police had warned visitors to stay off the beach.警方告诫游客不要去海滩。

4.(near to)离…不远;在…附近
a parking area 5 km off the road离道路5公里远的停车场

a house off the main road主干道附近的一栋房子

The ship was anchored off the coast.这艘船停泊在离海岸不远的地方。

just off sth就在…附近;就在…边上
5.(absent from)不在(工作岗位或学校);离开…休息
time off work休假时间
to be off school不上学;放假

She's off school today.她今天没去上学。

to be off work不上班;休假
to stay off work不上班;停工;休息

He has been ordered by doctors to stay off work.医生要求他放下工作养病。

6.(not discussing)避开, 不去讨论(某话题)

Keep off the subject of politics.勿谈政治。

7.(not taking)+ medication停服;停用;+ heroin, alcohol戒掉

The psychiatrist took her off antidepressants.那位精神科医生让她停止服用抗抑郁药。

to be off drugs停药;戒毒
8.(no longer liking)不再喜欢;不再想

I went off chocolate during my pregnancy.我怀孕时不爱吃巧克力。

I'm off coffee at the moment.我眼下不想喝咖啡。

9.(reduced by)(价钱)从…减掉

20 per cent off all jackets this Saturday!本周六所有夹克降价20%!

plans to take the tax off cars取消车辆税的计划
11.<口>(from)+ person从…处(获得)

I get a lot of information off Mark.我从马克那里打听到了许多信息。

I got my new phone off the Internet.我的新手机是从网上买的。

12.(using as food)依靠(食物) 生存

We dined off leftovers.我们吃的是剩饭剩菜。

13.(using as income)依靠(投资、销售等) 挣钱

He had been living off the sale of his own paintings.他一直靠卖自己的画度日。

We've been living off my in-laws.我们一直依靠岳父家接济。

people who sponge off the state专吃政府救济的人

14.<英>(using as fuel)(机器)靠(燃料或动力)运转

The radio can work off batteries or mains electricity.这种收音机既可以用电池播放也可以插电。

15.off courseSeecourse¹
off² /ɒf/ adv.
1.(not touching, removed from)移开;脱离

Lee broke off a small piece of bread.李掰下一小块面包。

His exhaust fell off.他的排气管掉了下来。

The lid had come off.盖子已经打开了。

2.(leaving bus, train, plane)(从巴士、火车、飞机上)下来

At the next stop the man got off.那个男人在下一站下了车。

3.(away from a place)远离;保持距离
a sign saying 'Keep Off'写着“请勿入内”的牌子
4.(leaving somewhere)离开

I saw her off at the station.我去了车站为她送行。


I'm off.我要走了。

5.(removing a garment)脱掉;脱下

She had her coat off.她脱掉了外套。

He hastily stripped off his old uniform.他匆匆地脱下旧制服。

6.(absent from work)休息;不工作
to have the day off不上班;休假

I've got next Friday off.我下周五休假。

to be off不工作;休假

I'm off tomorrow.我明天不上班。

7.(no longer happening)取消;中止

The match has been rained off.比赛因为下雨而中止了。

If we can't agree on this point, the deal's off.如果我们不能在这一点上达成共识, 这笔交易就会取消。

8.(not activated)(机器、电灯等)关掉, 停掉, 不再运转

Don't forget to switch the lights off.别忘了关灯。

We turned the engine off to save fuel.我们关掉了发动机以节省燃油。

9.(indicating a reduction)(尤指打折)减少, 降低

He took ten per cent off.他降价10%。

10.(in distance)相距;相隔

Florida was a long way off.佛罗里达离这儿很远。

The ship was 10 miles off.那艘船在10英里开外。

11.(in time)相距;相隔

An end to the crisis seems a long way off.这场危机看来远未结束。

An agreement is still two years off.还要两年才能达成协议。

12.(so as to get rid of)摆脱;除去

You can't work when you're sleeping off a hangover.当你睡觉以消除宿醉时, 你是无法工作的。

Let's go out and walk off our lunch.咱们出去走走, 以便消化午饭。


This stuff kills off all vermin.这东西把所有的害虫都杀死了。

The sun had burned off most of the cloud over the city.太阳把城市上空的大部分云彩都烧没了。

14.【海】(out from land)向海;远离陆地

The ship stood off.那艘船驶离海岸。

15.【商】(indicating number of items)(用于数字后面表示需要或生产的产品数量)

Please supply 100 off.请供应100个。

16.noises offSeenoise¹
17.off and onoron and off偶尔;有时;断断续续地

We lived together, off and on, for two years.我们断断续续在一起生活了两年。

18.off with sth(用于命令)去掉…, 切除…

Off with his head!将他斩首!

Off with that coat, my dear.把外套脱掉, 亲爱的。

off³ /ɒf/ adj.
1.<英>(not fresh)+ food腐坏的;变质的;变味的

The fish smells off.鱼变味了。

This milk is off.这牛奶变质了。

2.to be off<英>(not available; in restaurant)从菜单上消失的;不供应的

I'm afraid the chicken is off.恐怕没有鸡肉了。


It's been an off year for good tennis.今年的网球比赛打得都很差劲。

His performance was rather off.他的表现令人失望透顶。

4.【汽车】(offside)(车辆)远路肩一侧的, 外侧的

the off stump远桩柱

6.how is sb off for sth?
(asking about someone's situation)某人还剩下多少…?

How are you off for bread?你还剩下多少面包?

7.that's a bit offorit's a bit off<英,过时,非正式>(unacceptable)这有些过分;这有些过头;这令人无法接受
off⁴ /ɒf/ n.
【板】(part of field)右手击球员右前方场地;左手击球员左前方场地
See alsomid-off
off⁵ /ɒf/ vt.
<美,非正式>(kill)干掉, 杀死(某人)




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