

单词 oblivion
释义 oblivion /əˈblɪvɪən/ n.

Now they face political oblivion and criminal charges at the hands of other Serbs.现在他们落入其他塞尔维亚人手中, 面临政治上遭遗忘、刑事上受指控的命运。

to sink into oblivion被遗忘;遭到漠视

It seems that the so-called new theory is likely to sink into oblivion.这所谓的新理论看来将很可能被人淡忘。

to fade into oblivion被淡忘;被逐渐遗忘

Old films no longer fade into oblivion, but have a continued life on our TV screens.老电影不再逐渐被人淡忘, 而是会出现在电视屏幕上, 获得持久生命力。

(forgotten about)被置之脑后;被遗忘

The perks and abuses attached to company cars should be consigned to oblivion.公司配车的特权和滥用现象应该被遗忘。

The game was consigned to oblivion.该游戏早都被大家忘了。

once-great names that have since been consigned to oblivion曾经伟大而今已遭遗忘的名字

to consign sb/sth to oblivion将…遗忘

an authority that consigns to oblivion men who have left the priesthood and married将那些不再担任神职且已结婚的人忘诸脑后的当局

He had already consigned the TV show to oblivion.他已经忘了那档电视节目。


Alcohol provides some people with instant oblivion.酒精可让一些人即刻进入无意识状态。

into oblivion进入无意识状态

Within the hour he had slipped once again into deep and dreamless oblivion.不出一小时, 他再次陷入了无梦的沉睡。

He drank himself into oblivion.他喝得不省人事。

4.to be bombed into oblivionorto be blasted into oblivion被彻底摧毁

An entire poor section of town was bombed into oblivion.城市的一整片贫民区被夷为了平地。





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