

单词 nothing
释义 nothing¹ /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ pron.
1.(not a single thing)没有什么;没有一件(东西);没有一点

What did you say?—Nothing.你说什么?——什么都没说。

I've had nothing to eat since breakfast.早饭以后我就什么都没吃。

I pressed the button but nothing happened.我按了按钮, 但没有任何反应。

Nothing is open on Sundays.周日什么地方都不开门。

nothing at all什么都没有

What did you say?—Nothing. Nothing at all.你说什么?——没有。什么都没说。

nothing else没有别的东西;没有别的事

I had nothing else to do.我没有别的事情可做了。

Nothing else matters.别的都无关紧要。

He was dressed in jeans and nothing else.他穿着牛仔装, 没别的了。

2.(no important thing)无关紧要者;微不足道之事

It's all a fuss about nothing.这完全是无谓地自寻烦恼。

She kept bursting into tears over nothing at work.她老是为工作上微不足道的事哭鼻子。

nothing much没什么事;没什么要紧的

Nothing much seemed to be happening.好像没发生什么要紧的事。

to mean nothing to sb对某人来说无关紧要;对某人来说微不足道

He meant nothing to her now.现在他对她来说无关紧要。

Because he had always had money it meant nothing to him.因为他一直不缺钱, 所以这对他来说不算什么。

3.(in value)极低的价钱;极低的价值
4.(before an adjective or infinitive)(用于形容词或不定式前, 表示人或事物不具备所说的性质)没有什么, 不是什么

There was nothing remarkable about him.他没有什么特别之处。

There is nothing wrong with the car.这辆车没什么毛病。

There is nothing new about this technique.这项技术没什么新颖之处。

Around here the countryside generally is nothing special.这周围的乡村总的来说没有什么特别的。

nothing more … than sth没有比某物更…的东西;没有比某事更…的事

Personally, I can think of nothing more unpleasant.就我而言, 我想不出有什么比这更讨厌了。

nothing better than …没有什么比…更好

There's nothing better than a good cup of hot coffee.没什么比一大杯热咖啡更好的了。

nothing to …根本不必…;没什么需要…

It's nothing to worry about.根本不用担心。


The light faded away to nothing.光线慢慢变暗, 逐渐消失不见了。


If you take away four from four, you're left with nothing.4减去4等于零。

7.allornothing要么彻底干完, 要么根本不干
8.to be nothing like …
(be far from)远非…;完全不…;绝对不…

That box is no good. It's nothing like big enough.那个盒子一点也不好。它根本不够大。

(not resemble)一点也不像

That's not Jim in the photo. It looks nothing like him.照片上的不是吉姆。看起来一点也不像他。

9.to be nothing to sb
(be of no concern to)对某人来说无关紧要;与某人无关
10.to be nothing to sth
(be less in comparison to)无法与…相提并论;不能与…相比

Julia has a nice house, but it's nothing to Leila's.朱莉娅有栋不错的房子, 但不能与利拉的房子相媲美。

11.better than nothing(有)比没有好, 比没有强

After all, 15 minutes of exercise is better than nothing.毕竟, 锻炼15分钟比不锻炼好。

12.for nothing

I got these CDs for nothing.我免费得到了这些光盘。

(for very little money)几乎不花钱地

The furniture was ancient; he'd obviously picked it up for nothing.这件家具很陈旧, 显然是他白捡来的。

(for no reason)无缘无故地;徒然;白白地

It is hard to believe that they died for nothing.很难相信他们就这样白白死去了。

it was all for nothing白忙一场;徒劳无功
13.sth has nothing to do with sthorsth is nothing to do with sth
(not be relevant)与…无关

But logic has nothing to do with love.但逻辑与爱情无关。

14.sth/sb has nothing to do with sborsth/sb is nothing to do with sb
(not concern)与某人无关;某人对…不感兴趣

Your problems with Marianne have nothing to do with me.我对你和玛丽安娜之间的问题不感兴趣。

15.to have nothing onorto have got nothing on
(have no engagements)没有安排;没有事情

What about tomorrow afternoon? I've got nothing on then.明天下午怎么样?那时我没什么事。

(be naked)赤裸裸;一丝不挂

I can't go to the door; I've got nothing on.我不能去开门, 我什么都没穿。

16.to have got nothing on sb
(lack evidence)没有证据证明某人的确有罪

You've got nothing on me!你没有证据证明我的确有罪!

17.to have nothing on sth/sborto have got nothing on sth/sb<非正式>(be less good than)对…不占优势

Celia's performance was OK, but it had nothing on Kate's.西莉亚的表现还不错, 但无法跟凯特相比。

18.in nothing flat<非正式>立刻;马上;迅速地

He could dress in nothing flat.他能够迅速穿好衣服。

19.it's nothing没什么;小事情

Thank you for the wonderful dinner.—It's nothing.谢谢你准备了这么美味的晚餐。——这没什么。

20.not for nothing<正式>并非没有道理;事出有因

Not for nothing was she dubbed the Iron Lady.她被称为“铁娘子”是有原因的。

21.nothing but …(用于名词、不带to的不定式或-ing形式前)只有, 仅仅

All that money brought nothing but sadness.所有那些钱带来的只是悲伤。

She did nothing but complain about him.她只知道埋怨他。

They care for nothing but fighting.他们只知道打架, 什么也不关心。

22.nothing doing<非正式>不行;不成

Pay now, or nothing doing.现在付钱, 否则不行。

23.nothing if not …极其;非常

Professor Fish has been nothing if not professional.菲什教授专业水平一贯高超。

24.nothing of the sort绝对没有这种事

You said I could go with Ian.—I said nothing of the sort.你说过我可以跟伊恩一起去。——我绝对没说过这种话。

25.nothing less than …ornothing short of …(用于强调, 表示事情让人吃惊或重要)简直是…

Their escape from such a devastating wreck seemed nothing less than a miracle.他们能从这么严重的海难中死里逃生, 简直就是奇迹。

26.to say nothing of sth更不用说…;何况…

It will take an extraordinary amount of time and effort, to say nothing of the cost.这将耗费大量的时间和人力, 更不用说成本了。

27.something for nothing不付代价的收益;不劳而获之物

You can't get something for nothing.你不能不劳而获。

28.to stop at nothing to get sthSeestop²
29.there's nothing for it but to do sth<英>除了做某事别无他法

He wished he was not in a room so far from the bathroom. However, there was nothing for it but to make the long trudge through the house.他真希望待的房间离洗手间没那么远。可是, 除了一路痛苦地挨过去也别无他法

There was nothing for it. She was going to have to leave him.除此以外别无他法。她将不得不离开他。

30.there's nothing in it<非正式>(in competition)水平不相上下;势均力敌
(it is untrue)不真实;不可信
(it is easy to do)不费事;轻而易举
31.there's nothing like …什么也比不上…;…无与伦比

There's nothing like a good cup of tea.没有什么比喝上一大杯茶更好的了。

32.there's nothing to it<非正式>(it is untrue)不真实;不可信
(it is easy to do)不费事;轻而易举
33.to think nothing of doing sthSeethink¹
34.to think nothing of itSeethink¹
35.think nothing of it!Seethink¹
nothing² /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ n.
a nothing
nothing³ /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ adj.




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