

单词 note
释义 note¹ /nəʊt/ n.
1.(brief record, reminder)记录;笔记

She was speaking from notes.她按照笔记的内容发言。

to make a note做笔记;做记录

I knew that if I didn't make a note I would lose the thought.我知道如果不做笔记, 我就会思路断掉。

Julie made a note in her diary.朱莉在她的日记中做了记录。

to make a note of sth把…记录下来

I'll make a note of that.我会把它记下来。

The police officer made a note of their names and addresses.警察记下了他们的名字和地址。

to take notesorto make notes做笔记

Our people took notes or operated tape recorders.我们有的人做笔记, 有的人操作录音设备。

Take notes during the consultation as the final written report is very concise.协商的时候要做记录, 因为最终的书面报告非常简洁。

2.(short letter)便条;短笺

I'll have to leave a note for Karen.我得给卡伦留个便条。

Just a quick note to let you know that …匆忙给你这张便条, 以便让你知道……

to write sb a note给某人写便条

Stevens wrote him a note asking him to come to his apartment.史蒂文斯给他留了张便条, 要他到他的公寓来。

I'll write her a note.我会给她写张便条。

3.(between governments)(尤指政府间的)公文;文件
a diplomatic note外交照会

The affair was the subject of a note from the Brazilian to the British government.巴西政府就是因为此事而向英国政府递交照会。

4.(in book, article)注释;注解

See Note 16 on p 223.参阅223页注释16。

Consult the notes at the end of the book for further information.查阅书后的注释可了解更多信息。

'Exiles' by James Joyce, edited with an Introduction and notes by J. C. C. Mays由詹姆斯•乔伊斯创作和J .C. C.梅斯作序加注的《流亡者》

5.(written comment)批注;按语
a note in the margin写在页边空白处的一处批注

The teacher wrote several notes in the margin of my essay.老师在我论文页边空白处做了一些批注。

6.(official document)正式文件

Since Mr Bennett was going to need some time off work, he asked for a sick note.本内特先生想要请几天假, 就请医生开了病假条。

I've got half a ton of gravel in the lorry but he won't sign my delivery note.我的卡车里装着半吨沙砾, 但他不给我签收送货单。


They exchange travellers' cheques at a different rate from notes.他们兑换旅行支票时依据的汇率跟兑换现钞时不同。

a £5 note一张5英镑钞票
8.【金融】=promissory note

He played a few notes on the piano.他在钢琴上弹奏了几个音。

Sing this note.把这个音唱出来。

That was a wrong note.那个音是错的。

10.【音】(written symbol)音符

Not one of them could read a note of music.他们当中没有人识谱。

A crotchet and a minim are both types of musical note.四分音符和二分音符都属于音符类型。

11.【音】(on piano, organ etc)音键;琴键

the black notes黑色琴键

12.(of bird or animal)(鸟兽的)独特叫声

He was able to recognize the note of the willow warbler.他能分辨出柳莺的叫声。

the cuckoo's familiar note杜鹃那熟悉的叫声

13.(in sb's voice)音调;语调;口气

There was a note of triumph in her voice.她说话的语气得意扬扬的。

He could discern the note of urgency in their voices.他听出他们的语气很是迫切。

His voice took on a new note of uncertainty.他的声音又带上了一丝不确定性。

14.(expression of mood or attitude)特征;氛围

Yesterday's testimony began on a note of passionate but civilized disagreement.昨天证人是在激烈但文明地表达分歧的氛围中开始给出证言的。

The film ends on a positive note.电影的结局轻松愉快。

on a lighter note …换个轻松话题…

It's all very worrying. On a lighter note, it's nearly lunchtime. Is everyone hungry?真是让人担心。换个轻松点的话题, 快到午饭时间了, 大家是不是都饿了?

15.(musical signal)信号音;警示音
to compare notes交换意见

The women were busily comparing notes on the queen's outfit.女人们正忙着谈论女王的着装。

They exchanged greetings, compared notes on their families, and finally got down to business.他们互相打了招呼, 又聊了聊家常, 最后才开始 谈正事。

to compare notes with sb同某人交换意见

the chance to compare notes with other suffering mothers与其他遭受苦难的母亲交流的机会

of note显要的;有名望的;知名的

politicians of note政要

He has published nothing of note in the last ten years.过去的十年间他没有发表任何有影响的作品。

to strike a … noteorto strike a note of sthorto sound a … noteorto sound a note of sth表达…的情感;留下…的印象;营造…的氛围

Before his first round of discussions, Mr Baker sounded an optimistic note.在第一轮讨论开始前, 贝克先生听上去比较乐观。

Let me sound a note of caution at this point.此时请 让我提醒大家要谨慎行事。

Plants growing out of cracks in paving strike the right note up a cottage-garden path.从铺路石缝隙间长出的植物恰好营造出乡间农舍花园小径的感觉。

to take note留意;注意

They took note that she showed no surprise at the news of the murder.他们注意到她得知谋杀案的消息时并没有表现出惊讶。

Those of you who arrived late today, please take note!请今天来晚的人多加注意!

to take note of sth注意…;留意…

Take note of the weather conditions.要注意天气情况。

I found that he had taken note of everything I had said.我发现他对我说的任何话都加以留意。

note² /nəʊt/ vt.
1.(write down)写下;记下

He noted the exact time of the accident.他记下了事故发生的准确时间。

'Meet Julie 1pm,' she noted in her diary.“下午一点去见朱莉。”她在记事簿中写道。

A guard came and took our names and noted where each of us was sitting.一名警卫过来, 记下了我们的名字和每个人当时所坐的位置。


I noted that the rain had stopped.我发觉雨已经停了。

She noted how he looked pinched and tired.她发觉他看上去那么消瘦和疲惫。

The White House has noted his promise to support any attack that was designed to enforce the UN resolutions.白宫注意到他保证对任何旨在执行联合国决议的打击活动给予支持。

note that ...注意…

Note that the report does not carry any form of official recommendation.注意这份成绩单并不附带任何形式的正式推荐。

please note that ...请注意…

Please note that there are a limited number of tickets.请注意票的数量有限。

3.(pay close attention to)密切关注;观察

It is important for us to note three basic facts.我们要注意三个基本事实, 这很重要。

I want you to note particularly the way the lower limb articulates with the upper.我希望你能特别注意下肢和上肢是如何通过关节连接的。


The report noted a sharp drop in cases of flu.报告中强调流感病例已急剧减少。

The report notes that exports increased again last year.报告强调, 去年出口商品再次增加。

The Telegraph's sports correspondent notes that this is United's longest unbeaten spell in 20 years.《电讯报》的体育记者特别指出, 这是曼联队20年来保持不败战绩最长的一段时间。

5.【音】(write down in notes)用音符记(音乐、旋律)
6.【金融】+ bill of exchange对…进行公证(或记录)
Phrasal Verbnote down




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