

单词 nose
释义 nose¹ /nəʊz/ n.
1.+of person鼻子

My nose is itching.我鼻子痒。

to wipe your nose擦鼻子

She wiped her nose with a tissue.她用纸巾擦了擦鼻子。

2.(sense of smell)嗅觉

His nose told him that he was getting near the cowshed.他的嗅觉告诉他, 自己离牛棚越来越近。

The river became ugly on the eye and hard on the nose.这条河变得丑陋不堪, 臭不可闻。

3.a nose for sth
(talent for spotting things)善于发现…的能力;在…方面的天赋

Brian's nose for new singing talent was legendary.布赖恩所具有发现新秀歌手的能力堪称奇迹。

You need a nose for the kind of plot that will grab the reader by the throat from page 1.你需要天赋才能写出那种从第1页起就扣人心弦的情节。

to have a nose for sth拥有对某事物天生的洞察力

He had a nose for trouble and a brilliant tactical mind.他善于发现问题, 并总能想出高明的策略。

Gergen had a good nose for trends and a wide range of contacts.格根对潮流嗅觉灵敏, 人脉也很广。

Reporters need to have a good nose for a story.记者要有善于发现新闻的嗅觉。

4.+of plane, boat, car机头;船头;车头

pictures from a camera in the nose of the plane从飞机机头处拍摄的照片

Sue parked with the van's nose pointing away from the street.休停下货车, 车头背对着街道。

5.(part resembling nose)鼻状物

Some cyclists need to tip the nose of the saddle down for comfort.一些自行车骑手需要将车座前半部分放低来保证骑行舒适。

by a nose(赛马中)以一鼻之差, 以少许之差

The Liberals are ahead in the polls, but only by a nose.自由党在民意调查中略占上风。

Chirkpar rattled past him on the right to snatch the prize by a nose.赛马“切厄克帕”从他右侧疾驰而过, 以一鼻之优获胜。

to cut off your nose to spite your face损人不利己

There is evidence that the industry's greed means that it is cutting off its nose to spite its face.有证据表明该企业的贪婪是损人不利己的。

to follow your nose
(go straight ahead)笔直往前;沿最明显路线前行

Just follow your nose and in about five minutes you're at the old railway.一直向前走, 大概五分钟后你就到旧铁路线了。

Turn left at the lights, then follow your nose.在红绿灯那儿左拐, 然后一直向前走。

(follow your instincts)凭本能行事;凭直觉决定

You won't have to think, just follow your nose.你不必思考, 凭直觉即可。

to get up sb's nose<英,非正式>惹恼某人;使某人生厌

He's just getting up my nose so much at the moment.他这会儿可真把我惹急了。

His selfish attitude really gets up my nose.他自私的态度真的惹恼了我。

to keep your nose clean<非正式>不惹是生非;行为检点;遵纪守法

If you kept your nose clean, you had a job for life.如果你规规矩矩, 就可以一辈子保有一份工作。

to keep your nose to the grindstone努力工作;一刻不停地苦干

Tim finds it hard to keep his nose to the grindstone when university life offers so many distractions.大学生活里有那么多东西分心, 蒂姆觉得很难安下心来努力学习。

to lead sb by the nose牵着某人的鼻子;完全操纵某人
to look down your nose at sb/sth瞧不起…;轻视…

I don't look down my nose at comedy.我并没有看不起喜剧。

They rather looked down their noses at anyone who couldn't speak French.他们相当瞧不起不会说法语的人。

nose to tail<英>(车辆)首尾相接

The traffic was nose to tail all the way to Doncaster.车辆首尾相接, 一直排到唐克斯特。

on the nose<俚>(in betting)(赌马)跑第一, 稳赢

I bet 20 pounds on the nose on that horse.我下了20英镑的赌注赌那匹马必赢。


She had to work the whole thing out in her head and got the answer right on the nose.她必须在脑子里把整件事想清楚并得出准确答案。

to pay through the nose<非正式>付高价;花费过大代价

We don't like paying through the nose for our wine when eating out.下馆子时, 我们不愿意花太多的钱来买酒。

It's a terrible car, and what annoys me is that I paid through the nose for it.这就是辆破车, 更让人恼火的是, 买它我还花了一大笔钱。

to poke your nose into sthorto stick your nose into sth<非正式>探听某事;探看某事;干预某事

We don't like strangers who poke their noses into our affairs.我们不喜欢陌生人来干涉我们的事。

Why did you have to stick your nose in?你为什么要插手?

to rub sb's nose in sth<非正式>抓住某人做的某事不放;戳某人痛处;揭某人伤疤

His enemies will attempt to rub his nose in past policy statements.他的政敌会抓住他过去的政策声明不放。

She realizes that she was at fault, so you don't have to rub her nose in it.她意识到自己错了, 你不必总是戳她的痛处。

to see no further than your noseorto see no further than the end of your nose<非正式>(be short-sighted)只看得清鼻子底下的东西

Without her glasses she can't see further than the end of her nose.不戴眼镜她看不清远处。

(lack foresight)鼠目寸光;目光短浅

They can't see further than the ends of their noses and simply want to cash in now.他们目光短浅, 只想着马上拿到现金。

to thumb your nose at sb对某人嗤之以鼻;对某人不屑一顾

He has always thumbed his nose at the media.他总是对媒体嗤之以鼻。

to turn up your nose at sthorto turn your nose up at sth瞧不上…;嫌弃…

I'm not in a financial position to turn up my nose at several hundred thousand pounds.我的经济状况使我无法对几十万英镑无动于衷。

She turned her nose up at the meal I had cooked.她看不上我做的饭。

under sb's nose就在某人面前;当着某人的面

They walked off with a million pounds' worth of jewellery under the very noses of the security guards.他们携带着价值百万英镑的珠宝, 就从保安人员眼皮底下溜走了。

with your nose in the air目中无人地

She walks along with her nose in the air barely deigning to notice us ordinary mortals.她目中无人地朝前走着, 几乎不愿屈尊看我们这些凡人一眼。

nose² /nəʊz/
🄰 vt.
1.(nuzzle)animal +(尤指马、狗)用鼻子摩擦(或触碰)

The dog nosed the blanket with considerable interest.这条狗饶有兴趣地嗅着毯子。

2.(sniff)嗅, 闻(酒等)

'A magnificent wine,' exclaimed Monsieur Lavalle, nosing the glass again.拉瓦勒先生又闻了闻酒杯, 惊叹道:“好酒啊!”

3.(cause to move cautiously)使缓慢前行;使小心行驶

Ben drove past them, nosing his car into the garage.本开车超过了他们, 缓缓地将车开进车库。

Leila nosed the car out into the lane.利拉把车缓缓开出来并入了车道。

🄱 vi.
1.(move cautiously)缓慢前行;小心行驶

The crowd shouted angrily as the car nosed forward.车缓缓向前开时, 人群愤怒地叫喊起来。

The car nosed along the clifftop.汽车在悬崖顶部缓慢行驶。

A motorboat nosed out of the mist and nudged into the branches of a tree.一艘摩托艇缓缓驶出薄雾, 慢慢钻进一棵树的枝叶中。

2.(search)(凭气味)探查, 寻找

The pig was nosing under some moss to uncover a lump of truffle.这只猪用鼻子在一些苔藓下面闻了闻, 想挖出一个块菌。

Phrasal Verbsnose about,nose around,nose at,nose into,nose out,nose round




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