

单词 nibble away
释义 nibble away vt. sep.
1.(by biting)to nibble sth away or to nibble away sth小口地吃;一点点地啃

Mice had nibbled away the plastic covering of the wires.老鼠们已经一点一点地把电线外面包裹的塑料外壳啃光了。

The chocolate had a missing corner nibbled away by little teeth.这块巧克力有一个被小牙齿咬掉的缺角。

2.(diminish)to nibble sth away or to nibble away sth使逐渐削减;侵蚀;蚕食

Your nest egg will be nibbled away by tax and inflation.你的储备金会被税收和通货膨胀蚕食掉。





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