

单词 nibble
释义 nibble¹ /ˈnɪbəl/
🄰 vt.
+ food(尤指老鼠等动物)小口咬, 啃;+ ear, finger轻咬

Just nibble a piece of bread.就啃一片面包吃吧。

The rabbit was nibbling a leaf.兔子在啃一片叶子。

She nibbled my ear lobe playfully.她调皮地轻咬我的耳垂。

🄱 vi.

Daniel Winter nibbled on his pen.丹尼尔•温特轻咬着钢笔尖。


Mice have been nibbling at the skirting boards.老鼠们一直在一点点地啃咬壁脚板。

She nibbled at her food.她小口小口地吃着食物。

The birds cling to the wall and nibble at the brickwork.小鸟们紧贴在墙壁上, 啄着砖墙。

2.(erode)(一点一点地)削减, 侵蚀;蚕食

how best to compete with the overseas nations nibbling at our traditional markets如何以最佳方式和那些正在蚕食我们传统市场的海外国家展开竞争

3.(consider cautiously)小心谨慎地考虑;仔细地思考

The publishers are nibbling, but they haven't yet decided to bite.出版商们在小心谨慎地考虑, 但还没有决定要做。

If you bring the price down, buyers may start to nibble.如果你把价格降下来, 没准买主们就要仔细思考一番了。

Phrasal Verbsnibble away,nibble away at
nibble² /ˈnɪbəl/ n.
1.(small mouthful)一小口

Honestly, I've had nothing but a few nibbles of cheese.说老实话, 除了几小口奶酪, 我什么东西都没吃。

I might manage a nibble of smoked salmon.我或许能吃一小口熏鲑鱼。

2.(act of nibbling)小口咬;啃;轻咬

We each took a nibble.我们每人都吃了一小口。

to take a nibble at sth咬一小口某物;啃一点某物

Percy took a nibble at the lettuce leaf and made a face.珀西咬了一小口莴苣叶, 做了个鬼脸。

3.(expression of interest)略感兴趣的表示

We haven't even had a nibble from literary agents.那些文稿代理商对我们甚至没有显示丝毫兴趣。

Months went by without a nibble from potential employers.几个月过去了, 没有一个潜在雇主表示有任何兴趣。





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