

单词 arm
释义 arm¹ /ɑːm/ n.
1.(from shoulder to wrist)+of human臂;胳膊

She stretched her arms out.她展开了双臂。

She put her arm around his neck.她一只手搂住了他的脖子。

at arm's length在一臂之遥

He struck a match, and held it at arm's length.他划了根火柴, 伸直胳膊举着。

2.(from elbow to wrist)+of human前臂;小臂
3.【动】(limb of other vertebrate)(脊椎动物的)臂, 前肢
4.【动】(armlike appendage of invertebrate)(无脊椎动物的)腕, 臂状附肢
5.+of jacket, jumper袖子;+of chair, sofa扶手

The arm of his jacket was torn.他的上衣袖子撕破了。

an ashtray on the arm of a chair一个放在椅子扶手上的烟灰缸

6.(anything resembling arm)臂状物
the arm of a record player电唱机的唱臂

the arms of the doctor's spectacles医生的眼镜腿

an arm of the sea海湾

7.+of organization, company部门;分部

the British arm of the company公司的英国分部

an arm of the government一个政府部门

the arm of the law法律的威力

He has a good arm.他投掷能力很强。

See alsoarms
arm in arm臂挽臂地

He walked from the court arm in arm with his wife.他和妻子臂挽着臂从院子走来。

as long as your arm<非正式>很长的

I've a list of messages as long as my arm.我有一份很长的信息表。

to cost an arm and a leg<非正式>花好多钱;花费很大

A week at a health farm can cost an arm and a leg.在健康会馆度过一周花费会很大。

to give your right arm<非正式>不惜代价

Most people would give their right arm to go to Cambridge!大多数人为了去剑桥大学可以不惜代价!

in the arms of Morpheus睡觉

Everyone else is in the arms of Morpheus.别人都在睡觉。

to keep sb at arm's length与某人疏远;与某人保持距离

She had always kept his family at arm's length.她总是与他的家人保持距离。

to twist sb's arm<非正式>说服某人

She had twisted his arm to get him to invite her.她说服了他邀请自己。

with open arms

He welcomed her with open arms.他热烈地欢迎她。

(action, change)衷心地

They would no doubt welcome the action with open arms.他们无疑会衷心欢迎这一行动。





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