

单词 nearly
释义 nearly /ˈnɪəlɪ/ adv.

Dinner's nearly ready.正餐马上就好。

I'm nearly 15.我快15岁了。

It was nearly dark.天快黑了。

The beach was nearly empty.海滩差不多没有人了。

She was nearly in tears.她差点儿落泪。

nearly as … as …差不多和…一样…

She was nearly as tall as he was.她差不多和他一样高。

You're nearly as old as I am.你岁数差不多和我一样大。

nearly always几乎总是

They nearly always eat outside.他们几乎总是在外面用餐。

nearly an hour将近一个小时

Brody had been sitting there for nearly an hour.布罗迪已经在那里坐了将近一个小时。

nearly there快到了

Are we nearly there?我们快到了吗?

to nearly do sth险些做某事

I nearly fell.我险些摔倒。

He nearly missed the train.他险些赶不上火车。

I very nearly …我差点儿…

I very nearly fell.我差点儿摔倒。

I've nearly …我已经差不多…

I've nearly finished.我已经差不多做完了。


We're not very nearly related.我们算远亲。

3.not nearly sth
(far from)远非某事物;绝不是某事物

It's not nearly big enough.它根本不够大。

The film isn't nearly as good as the book.这部影片远不及原著好。





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