

单词 much
释义 much¹ /mʌtʃ/ determiner

I haven't got much money.我的钱不多。

I don't want much rice.我不想要太多米饭。

not very much不太多

I haven't got very much time.我没有太多时间。

as much同样多
as much … as sth跟…一样多的…

Their aim will be to produce as much milk as possible.他们的目标将会是尽可能提高牛奶产量。

how much多少

How much time have you got?你有多少时间?

so much这么多;那么多

I've never seen so much traffic.我从来没见过这么多车。

There was so much traffic that we were late.路上车很多, 我们迟到了。

too much太多

You're making too much noise.你太吵了。

as much as sth多达…

The organizers hope to raise as much as £6m.组织者希望能募集到高达600万英镑的款项。

to be not much goodSeegood²
to be not much good at sthSeegood²
a bit muchSeebit³
not so much … as …与其说是…不如说是…

Football for them is not so much a game as an obsession.对于他们而言, 与其说足球是一种运动, 不如说是一种迷恋。

much² /mʌtʃ/ adv.
1.(greatly, considerably)(表示强烈程度, 通常和so、too、very连用, 或用于否定句中)很多, 非常

I'd much prefer to live in the country.我更喜欢住在乡下。

a much needed boost急需的提升

not … much不是很…;不太…

I don't like sport much.我不太喜欢体育。

It doesn't look much cleaner even though it's been washed.虽然已经被清洗过了, 但它看起来并没干净多少。

how much多少

How much cooler will it get?天气会凉爽多少呢?

so much太;很

I loved her so much.我太爱她了。

Thank you so much for coming.您能过来真是太感谢了。

very much很;非常;十分

Thank you very much.非常感谢。

I like her very much.我非常喜欢她。

I very much enjoyed the film.我很喜欢那部电影。

I very much doubt whether anything can be done.我十分怀疑能做些什么。

2.(with comparatives;far)(置于形容词和副词的比较级和最高级之前, 表示强调)太, 很

That's a much better idea.这个主意好多了。

I felt very much better by the end of the evening.等到了深夜, 我感觉好多了。

We're not much richer now than we were ten years ago.我们不比十年前富裕多少。

much more更加
so much极;非常

Things have got so much worse since you left.你离开以后事情变得非常糟糕。

(with superlatives;by far)…得多;尤其;显然

The car maker is much the biggest employer in the city.汽车制造商显然是这座城市里最大的雇主。

3.(often)(用于疑问句及否定句)经常, 常常

Do you go out much?你经常出去吗?

He never talked much about the war.他从来不多谈那场战争。

4.(emphasizing similarity)(强调人或物之间的相似性)很大程度上

The day ended much as it began.这一天的开始和结束几乎是一样的。

much like很像;非常像

He seemed much like his old self.他似乎跟过去的自己十分相像。

much the same几乎相同;大致一样

Her condition remains much the same.她的状况基本没变。

much the same thing几乎相同的东西;大致一样的东西

He said much the same thing in the last interview he gave.他在最后一次访谈中说了类似的话。

in much the same way as sth以和…大致相同的方式

Computers communicate information in much the same way as roads connect cities.计算机传递信息的方式与道路连接城市的方式大致相同。

as much as sth
to be very much sth非常…;确实…

Mark is very much the family man.马克是个很顾家的男人。

much as sthoras much as sth虽然…;尽管…

As much as I'd like to, I can't come.虽然我很愿意去, 但我去不了。

much less更不用说;更何况

He didn't have a girlfriend, much less a wife.他没有女朋友, 更别提老婆了。

much too …太…;过于…

He was driving much too fast.他开得太快了。

much to sb's surprise/annoyance/relief etc使某人大为惊奇/非常恼怒/颇感安慰的是

Much to everyone's surprise, they got married.令所有人都大为惊奇的是, 他们结婚了。

so much as …甚至;竟然

Peter didn't so much as blink when I told him.当我告诉彼得时, 他甚至连眼睛都没眨一下。

Laura had never so much as mentioned it.劳拉甚至提都没提那件事。

so much so that …太…以至于…
much³ /mʌtʃ/ pron.
(a great deal)(通常用于否定句和疑问句)许多, 大量

I don't know much about history.我对历史了解不多。

Is there much to see in Brussels?在布鲁塞尔有很多要参观的地方吗?

I can't do much to help I'm afraid.恐怕我帮不上什么忙。

Much remains to be done.还有许多事要做。

how much多少;多少钱

How much do you want?你想要多少钱?

how much is it?这个多少钱?
so much这么多

So much has happened.发生了这么多事情。

I didn't think it would cost so much.我没想到它会那么贵。

too much太多

It costs too much.这太贵了。

much of sth大量的…;许多的…

She does much of her work at home.她大部分的工作在家里做。

not to see much of sb不常见到某人;见某人的次数不多

I don't see much of Tony nowadays.我现在见托尼的次数不多。

as much同样的事;果然是预料中的事

Oh? So you know all about it. I thought as much.哦?看来你全都知道了。果然不出我所料。

to be not much of a sth不太好的;称不上…的

It hasn't been much of a holiday.这简直不像是假日。

to be not up to much<英,口>马马虎虎;不怎么样
to be too much of a …太过…

He's too much of a coward to finish the relationship.他太懦弱了, 没法结束这段关系。

nothing much没什么;不重要

Nothing much seemed to be happening.看来不会发生什么大事。

not much
(only a small amount)不多

Have you got a lot of luggage?—No, not much.你行李很多吗?——不, 不多。

(nothing of value)不怎么样;没什么

What's on TV?—Not much.电视里在播什么?——没什么。

What did you think of it?—Not much.你觉得它怎么样?——不怎么样。

not to think much of sb/sth认为某人/某事物不好

I don't think much of his behaviour.我觉得他的行为欠妥。

so much for sth
(ending a topic)就讲这么多;…到此为止
too much for sb非某人力所能及;对某人来说无法应付

The job became too much for Henry and he quit.这项工作变得让亨利难以应付, 于是他辞职了。





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