

单词 movement
释义 movement /ˈmuːvmənt/ n.

They monitor the movement of the fish going up river.他们在监测鱼类迁往上游的活动。


There was movement behind the window in the back door.后门的窗户后面有动静。

(hear moving)听到动静

He heard movement in the hut.他听到小屋中有动静。

3.(manner; physical)举止;风度

Tom lit a cigarette with quick, jerky movements.汤姆动作仓促地点了根香烟。

the women's movement女权运动组织

disagreement within the trade-union movement工会组织 内部的分歧

5.(organized action)(政治、宗教等方面的)运动
6.(development)(某一领域的)动向, 趋势, 倾向
the movement towards democracy民主进程

There was a movement towards a revival of conscription.恢复征兵制是一种趋势。

7.+of watch, clock可动装置;机械装置
8.+of bowel(大肠的)蠕动;排便;拉屎

He disclosed that he had had a bowel movement that day.他透露自己那天排便了。

9.(from bowel)屎;粪便
10.+of symphony, concerto, sonata(奏鸣曲、交响乐、协奏曲等的)乐章

the first movement of Beethoven's seventh symphony贝多芬第七交响乐的第一乐章

11.(tempo)(乐曲或文学作品的)节奏, 拍子
12.【艺术】+of painting(绘画、雕刻等的)动感, 动态效果
13.【诗】+of verse韵律
14.【军】+of position调动;换防
15.+of price(价格的)起伏, 变动




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