

单词 monkey
释义 monkey¹ /ˈmʌŋkɪ/ n.
1.(long-tailed primate)猴(除原猴亚目猴以外的长尾灵长目动物)

A tribe of monkeys were grooming each other.一群猴子正在彼此梳洗。

2.(any primate except man)(除人以外的)灵长目动物

Chimpanzees are more closely related to people than to gorillas or monkeys.黑猩猩与人类的关系比与大猩猩或其他灵长目动物的关系更近。

3.(naughty child)淘气鬼;捣蛋鬼

She's such a little monkey.她是个小捣蛋鬼。

4.【机】+of pile driver打桩锤
5.to have a monkey on your back<美,加拿大,俚>addict +染上毒瘾

Mr. Brooks knows he has a monkey on his back and would like to think he’s trying hard to shake it.布鲁克斯先生知道他染上了毒瘾, 而且心里更愿意相信他正在努力戒掉。

a cocaine addict who was driven to rob by the insatiable monkey on his back为满足强烈的毒瘾而去抢劫的可卡因上瘾者

6.to make a monkey of sborto make a monkey out of sb<俚>(make look like a fool)耍弄某人;愚弄某人;使某人出丑

He looks cumbersome on the ball and Henrik Larsson could make a monkey of him.他带球时看上去很笨拙, 亨里克•拉森可以耍弄他一下了。

He said that they'd made a monkey out of me.他说他们耍弄了我。


I never bet more than a monkey.我下赌注从不超过500英镑。

to give a monkey's<英,俚>在意

Who gives a monkey's what he thinks?谁在意他想什么?

I couldn't give a monkey's, matey.我不会在意的, 朋友。

not to give a monkey's about sb/sth<英,俚>一点都不在乎…;对…完全无所谓

I didn't give a monkey's about going to university.我对上大学完全无所谓。

monkey² /ˈmʌŋkɪ/ vt.
Phrasal Verbsmonkey about,monkey about with,monkey around,monkey around with,monkey with
monkey³ /ˈmʌŋkɪ/ comp.

a monkey foresail/bridge前桅方帆/驾驶台纵向天桥





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