

单词 mixed
释义 mixed /mɪkst/ adj.
1.+ school, class男女同校的;男女合住的
a mixed school男女混合学校

girls who have been to a mixed school在男女混合学校上过学的女孩

2.(of a similar kind)+ flowers, herbs什锦的;混合的
a teaspoon of mixed herbs一茶匙什锦香草
3.(diverse)+ group, community混合的;混杂的

You will find a mixed community here: families, young, middle-aged.你会发现这是一个人群混杂的社区:有拖家带口的人, 有年轻人, 也有中年人。

a very mixed group of people一个成员非常复杂的人群
4.(from different races)不同种族混合的
a woman of mixed race混血女子
racially mixed多种族混合的

She had attended a racially mixed school.她曾在一所由多种族学生组成的学校读书。

5.(both good and bad)+ results, reactions, responses复杂的;褒贬不一的

There has been a very mixed reaction to the decision.人们对这个决定的反应非常不一致。

to produce mixed results产生好坏参半的结果

Employee ownership has produced mixed results in other industries.员工所有制在其他行业产生的效果好坏参半。

mixed fortunes好坏参半的运气
to have mixed fortunes既走运又不走运
to have mixed feelings怀着矛盾的心情

I came home from the meeting with mixed feelings.会议结束后, 我怀着矛盾的心情回了家。

to have mixed feelings about sth对某事怀有矛盾的心情

I have mixed feelings about the new development.我对新的进展心情矛盾。

to have mixed feelings towards sb对某人怀有矛盾的感情

He has mixed feelings at times towards his wife.有时他对妻子又爱又恨。

6.【律】(real and personal)混合的;人权物权混合的
7.【律】(determinable by different persons or bodies)混合决定的
9.【解剖】+ nerve混合的
10.【数】+ number带分数的
11.【数】+ decimal带小数的
12.【数】+ algebraic expression(多项式与有理分式)混合的




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