

单词 mistake
释义 mistake¹ /mɪˈsteɪk/ n.
1.(in calculation or judgement)错误;过失

Wexall saw his mistake.韦克斯尔认识到了自己的错误。

How strange to think that a man's life could hinge on such a trivial mistake.想想真是奇怪, 一个人的一生竟然会为这样一个微不足道的错误所决定。

it is a mistake to do sth做某事是一个错误

It was a mistake to buy those yellow shoes.买那双黄色的鞋子是个错误。

(in calculating)犯错误

I'm sorry, I made a mistake.对不起, 我犯了个错误。

to make a terrible mistake犯严重的错误

He had made a terrible mistake but he wasn't going to admit it.他犯了严重的错误, 但他不准备承认。

you're making a big mistake.你正在犯下大错。
to make a mistake about sb/sth弄错某人/某事

It wasn't the kind of thing she'd make a mistake about.那种事她是不会搞错的。

to make the mistake of doing sthorto make the big mistake of doing sth做某事是个错误;做某事犯下大错

They made the big mistake of thinking they could seize its border with a relatively small force.他们大错特错, 居然认为以较少的兵力就能够夺取其边境地区。

it's a big mistake to do sthorit's a serious mistake to do sth做某事是个严重的错误

I think it's a serious mistake to confuse books with life.我认为把书本与生活混为一谈是个严重的错误。

there must be some mistake一定存在某种误解

I said there must be some mistake because it wasn't my birthday.我说肯定有什么误会, 因为那天并不是我生日。

by mistake错误地

I took his bag by mistake.我错拿了他的包。

Someone must have sold it to her by mistake.有人肯定把它错卖给了她。

it is sb's mistake那是某人的过错

Jonathan says it was his mistake.乔纳森说那是他的过错。

3.(in spelling, grammar, arithmetic)(拼写、语法或算术中的)错误
a spelling mistake一处拼写错误

His work is full of mistakes.他的作业错误百出。

Her mother sighed and rubbed out another mistake in the crossword puzzle.她母亲叹了口气, 擦掉了纵横字谜中另一处填错的地方。

(in writing)(在写作中)出错
mistake² /mɪˈsteɪk/ vt.(mistakes,mistaking,mistook,mistaken)
1.(misunderstand)+ meaning, mood, intentions误解

The government completely mistook the mood of the country.政府完全误解了国人的情绪。

No one should mistake how serious the issue is.任何人都不该低估该问题的严重性。

there is no mistaking sth绝不可能弄错某事

There is no mistaking his intentions.他的意图很明显, 肯定错不了。

There's no mistaking the eastern flavour of the food.这种食品就是东方风味的, 绝对错不了。

There was no mistaking Magda's sincerity.毫无疑问, 玛格达是真诚的。

2.to mistake sb/sth for sb/sth
(confuse, mix up)把某人/某物误认为某人/某物

He was often mistaken for his brother.人们常把他误认作他弟弟。

I mistook you for Carlos.我把你错当成卡洛斯了。

When hay fever first occurs, it is often mistaken for a summer cold.花粉病发病初期常被误认为是风热感冒。

3.(get wrong)+ name, address搞错;弄错

At first he thought he had mistaken the address.最初他以为自己把地址弄错了。

See alsomistaken¹




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