

单词 mission
释义 mission¹ /ˈmɪʃən/ n.

His mission was to rid London of organized crime.他的职责是消除伦敦的团伙犯罪。

Max flew back to Rome, his mission a failure.马克斯飞回了罗马, 他的任务失败了。

a sense of mission使命感

There is an enormous sense of mission in his speech and gesture.他的一言一行都带着强烈的使命感。

your mission in life天职

He viewed his mission in life as protecting the weak.他认为自己的天职就是保护弱者。

3.(group of diplomats stationed in a country)驻外使团;驻外国代表团

He became head of the Ugandan mission.他当上了乌干达代表团团长。

the head of the mission in South Africa驻南非代表团团长

a senior member of a diplomatic mission外交代表团的一位高级官员

4.(special embassy)使节团;外交使团

He has been on a mission to help end Lebanon's political crisis.他已经被派执行一项旨在帮助结束黎巴嫩政治危机的使命。

a diplomatic mission外交使团

Salisbury sent him on a diplomatic mission to North America.索尔兹伯里派他随团出使北美。

5.+of pilot, plane, spacecraft(飞行)任务

the first shuttle mission航天飞机的首次飞行任务

a bomber that crashed during a training mission in the west Texas mountains在得克萨斯州西部山区执行训练任务时坠毁的一架轰炸机

to fly a mission执行飞行任务

Foster flew 400 missions.福斯特执行过400次飞行任务。

6.【宗】(group of missionaries)(尤指基督教会派往国外的)传教团, 布道团
7.【宗】(evangelical campaign)传教活动;布道活动

They conducted evangelistic missions around Britain.他们在英国各地进行福音传教活动。

They say God told them to go on a mission to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.他们说上帝要他们到西半球最贫困的国家去传教布道。


I pointed myself towards Father Barrone's mission.我朝巴罗内神父的布道所走去。

9.【宗】(missionary work)布道工作;传教职业
10.【宗】(area of particular missionary)传教地区
11.【宗】(church without incumbent)(自身无教区牧师的)教堂, 小教堂
12.(charitable centre)慈善会堂;救济机构
13.<南非>(arduous process)漫长而艰辛的过程
14.on a mission to do sth带着使命感做某事

with money short and IT managers on a mission to provide value在资金短缺但信息技术经理凭着满腔热情想要有所作为时

Tonight I am on a mission to find out about you, so be prepared for my interrogation.今晚我就是来了解你的, 准备好接受我的拷问吧。

mission² /ˈmɪʃən/ comp.
1.【宗】(relating to an ecclesiastical mission)传教的;布道的

schools, monasteries, and other mission buildings学校、修道院及其他传教场所

a mission station布道站
2.+ furniture传教士风格的(即美国西南部早期西班牙教会风格的)
mission³ /ˈmɪʃən/ vt.
【宗】(send on mission)派…去传教

As a priest I was missioned to the Student Chaplaincy.作为牧师, 我被派往学生牧师堂布道。





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