

单词 million
释义 million¹ /ˈmɪljən/符号为M或m缩写为M. n.( 复millionsormillion)

The population has risen to five million.人口已增至500万。

2.(sum of money)一百万(英镑);一百(万元)

By the age of 30 he had made his first million.在30岁时, 他就挣到人生第一个一百万。

to be gone a million<澳,非正式>完蛋;垮掉;陷入麻烦
one in a million
+ person万里挑一者

Where would I be without you? You're one in a million.我怎么能没有你?你可是万里挑一的人物。

+ chance, opportunity极罕见的情况

Health officials described the contamination as a 'one in a million chance'.卫生官员称这次污染是“极其罕见的小概率事件”。

This is a one in a million opportunity and we are looking forward to the challenge.这是一次千载难逢的机会, 我们期待着迎接挑战。

million² /ˈmɪljən/符号为M或m缩写为M. determiner
1.(as number)一百万的

Up to five million tourists a year visit the city.每年有多达500万名游客到访这座城市。

More than three million people lack basic sanitation.超过300万人缺乏基本的卫生设施。

a million yearsorone million years100万年

a million years ago100万年前

2.a million
(a lot)千百万;无数;大量

I've got a million emails to answer.我有很多封电子邮件要回。

a million times无数次

I've told him not to do that a million times.我已经无数次告诉他不要那样做。

a million miles相去甚远;差异巨大

The situation isn't perfect but it's a million miles better than before.情况并不尽如人意, 但已经比之前好了不知多少倍。

The vocalist sounds not a million miles away from Janis Joplin.这名歌手听上去并不比贾妮斯•乔普林差很多。

never in a million years从不, 决不(用在否定句中加强语气)

I never dreamt in a million years that I'd reach the age of 60.我做梦也绝对想不到我能活到60岁。

I'd never have recommended him in a million years.我永远不会推荐他的。

million³ /ˈmɪljən/符号为M或m缩写为M. pron.

Some 50,000 people have died and a million and a half have been left homeless.大约5万人死亡, 150万人无家可归。

See alsomillions
thanks a million!万分感谢!

Thanks a million! It's just what I wanted!万分感谢!这正是我想要的!

He told fans: 'Thanks a million for turning up and supporting us.'他对粉丝们说:“万分感谢你们到场支持我们。”





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