

单词 menial
释义 menial¹ /ˈmiːnɪəl/ adj.
1.(lowly)+ job, task, work(尤指家务活儿)低级的, 不体面的, 非技术性的

low-paid menial jobs, such as cleaning and domestic work报酬少的低级工作, 比如打扫卫生和家务活儿

She accused university-educated nurses of not wanting to carry out menial tasks.她指责那些受过大学教育的护士不愿做低级工作。

She has been reduced to doing menial work to make ends meet.她已被迫去做一些卑微的工作来维持生计。

2.+ worker从事卑微工作的;卑微的

Many of them are menial workers.他们中的许多人都是低级工人。

He was raised by an uncle who treated him as little more than a menial servant.他由一位只不过把他当作低下仆人对待的叔叔抚养长大。

3.(relating to servants)仆人的;适于仆人的
the menial class仆役阶层
4.(servile)+ person, attitude奴颜婢膝的;低声下气的

It's no good having a menial attitude these days.现今采取奴颜婢膝的态度毫无益处。

menial² /ˈmiːnɪəl/ n.

A number of polite and unobtrusive menials fetched and carried.许多礼貌而谦恭的仆人听候差遣。

2.(servile person)低声下气的人;奴颜婢膝的人




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