

单词 membership
释义 membership¹ /ˈmembəˌʃɪp/ n.
1.(status as member)+of club, party, organization, committee会员资格;会员身份

This is just one of the many benefits of membership.这只是会员享有的众多好处之一。

Membership is for life.会员身份是终身的。

Club membership is £25.俱乐部入会费是25英镑。

Your membership has expired.你的会员资格已过期。

membership of sth某事物的会员资格

I'm going to apply for membership of the club.我打算申请加入该俱乐部。

Turkey's application for membership of the EU土耳其加入欧盟的申请

The country has now been granted membership of the World Trade Organization.该国现已被批准加入世贸组织。

membership of the Conservative party保守党党员身份

his lifelong membership of the Conservative party他作为保守党终身党员的身份

membership in sth某事物的会员身份

Membership in her church youth group helped develop her political ideas.加入教会青年团促使她形成了自己的政治观点。

the criteria for membership入会标准

The criteria for membership are not very strict.入会标准不是很严格。

The criteria for membership of the EU are economic, social, legal and political.加入欧盟的标准包括经济、社会、法律和政治四个方面。

full membership正式会员

Russia was granted full membership of the G-8.俄罗斯被批准成为八国集团的正式成员国。

lifetime membership终身会员

He has rejected an offer of lifetime membership of the club.他拒绝了成为俱乐部终身会员的提议。

honorary membership荣誉会员

Last year he received honorary membership of a local art club.去年他接受了一个当地艺术俱乐部的荣誉会员身份。

2.(the members)全体会员;全体成员

20 people elected from the membership从全体会员中选出的20个人

He plans to protest against the club because of its all-male membership.他计划就俱乐部全是男性会员而对其表示抗议。

Where could I get a list of the membership?我从哪儿可以拿到有全部会员的名单?

3.(number of members)成员人数;会员人数
a decline in church membership教会会众人数的减少

The party's membership has fallen to just six thousand.该政党人数已经下降到仅仅六千人。

It now has a membership of over one million.它现在有超过百万的会员。

membership² /ˈmembəˌʃɪp/ comp.
+ form, fee, application, qualifications, criteria会员(身份)的;+ card, badge, list, drive, renewal会员(资格)的

He sent me a membership form.他给我发了一份会员资料表格。

There will be an annual membership fee of £25.会员须缴25英镑年费。

a record number of membership applications创纪录的会员申请数

We have now drafted a constitution and membership criteria.我们已经起草了一份章程和入会标准。

We've issued you with a membership card.我们已经给你发了一张会员卡。

He pulled out the synagogue membership list.他取出一份犹太会堂成员的名单。

The membership drive is going well.会员招新进展顺利。

Club members are reminded that membership renewals are now due.俱乐部成员已被提醒, 说现在又到了会员更新的时候了。





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