

单词 medium
释义 medium¹ /ˈmiːdɪəm/符号为M缩写为med. adj.
1.(average)+ size, height, heat, strength, dose, portion, glass中间的;中等的;平均的

Only a low or medium heat is necessary.只需低热或中等热度。

a medium glass of fruit juice一杯中杯果汁

A medium dose produces severe nausea within hours.中等剂量几小时内就会引发严重的恶心。

He was of medium height.他中等身材。

foods that contain only medium levels of sodium含钠量仅为中等水平的食物

a medium-strength beer一杯中浓度啤酒

Andrea has medium brown hair.安德烈娅有着中等长度的棕发。

2.(of colour)(颜色)适中的, 不深不浅的
medium blue中蓝色

a medium red中红色

medium² /ˈmiːdɪəm/符号为M缩写为med. n.( 复mediaormediums)
1.(intermediate state)中间;中等;中庸;适中
the happy medium中庸之道;折中办法

It's always best to try and find the happy medium.努力找到折中办法总是最好的。

to strike a happy medium走中庸之道;采取折中办法

I still aim to strike a happy medium between producing football that's worth watching and getting results.我仍致力于打造这样一种球风——既具观赏性, 又能得分, 两全其美。

It's very difficult to strike a happy medium and make it right for everybody.找到皆大欢喜的折中办法颇有难度。

2.(transmitting substance)媒质;介质;媒介物

Blood is the medium in which oxygen is carried to all parts of the body.血液是将氧气输送到全身各处的媒介。

Air is the medium by which sound is transmitted.空气是声音传播的介质。

3.(means of communication)宣传工具;传媒;新闻媒介;媒体

But Artaud was increasingly dissatisfied with film as a medium.但是阿尔托对电影这种媒介越来越不满。

via the medium of the Internet通过因特网这一媒体

through the medium of television通过电视这一媒介

medium of instruction教学媒体

In Sierra Leone, English is the medium of instruction.在塞拉利昂, 英语是教学语言。


He became a professional medium.他成为了一名职业灵媒。

5.【生】(preserving substance)(用于存放标本的)介质

the monochrome medium of engraving单色雕刻

An artist uses his preferred medium to satiate his creative zeal.艺术家用他喜欢的艺术种类来满足自己的创作热情。


Hyatt has found a way of creating these qualities using the more permanent medium of oil paint.海厄特已经找到产生这些特性的方法, 那就是利用油彩这种更加持久的材料。

10.【印】(paper size)中号印刷纸




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