

单词 approach
释义 approach¹ /əˈprəʊtʃ/
🄰 vi.
1.person +靠近;接近

He opened the car door as she approached.她走近时, 他打开了车门。

2.summer, winter +临近;来临

As autumn approached, the weather changed.随着秋天来临, 天气发生了变化。

🄱 vt.
1.(come near to)+ door, person向…靠近;+ level, rate接近

He didn't approach the front door right away.他没有立刻靠近前门。

Oil prices have approached their highest level for almost ten years.石油价格已接近近10年来的最高水平。

Mansell will race at average speeds approaching 200mph.曼塞尔将以接近每小时200英里的平均速度驱车飞驰。

2.+ event, time(时间上)接近

the mounting tension as we approach the election选举将至时我们感觉到的不断增加的压力

We approach the end of the year with the economy slowing and little sign of cheer.快到年末时, 我们面临着经济放缓、处处萧条的局面。

3.(tackle)+ subject, issue着手处理;对付;探讨

The Bank has approached the issue very sensibly.银行很明智地处理了这个问题。

We need to approach disarmament in a new spirit.我们需要以新的态度来探讨裁军问题。

to approach a problem着手解决问题

Employers are interested in how you approach problems.雇主们感兴趣的是你如何处理问题。

4.(contact)找…商量;同…联系;company +同…接洽

He was approached by the company and offered a job.这家公司同他接触过, 为他提供了一份工作。

Anna approached several builders before meeting Eddie.安娜在与埃迪会面前, 与几个建筑商接洽过。

to approach sb about sth就某事与某人联系
5.<罕>(draw closer)使靠近;把…挪近
approach² /əˈprəʊtʃ/ n.
1.+of person, vehicle靠近;接近

Dogs began to bark, aware of our approach.狗察觉到我们的靠近, 叫了起来。

the approach of a low-flying helicopter一架低空飞行的直升机的逼近

2.+of plane进场路线;进场着陆路线

a surface-to-air missile strike against the plane on its approach to Pearson对一架正准备在皮尔逊进场着陆的飞机的地对空导弹袭击

3.+of season, event临近

the children's excitement with the approach of Christmas圣诞节临近时孩子们的兴奋心情

4.(access route)进出的路;通道;途径
approach to sth接近…的办法;通往…的途径

The path serves as an approach to the house.这条小路通往那座房子。

Troops secured the approaches to the city.军队守住了进城的道路。

5.(to problem, issue)(处理问题的)方式, 方法

There are different approaches to gathering information.搜集信息有不同的方法。

the aggressive approach of the company该公司咄咄逼人的策略

the adversarial approach of the British legal system英国法律制度中的对抗式诉讼程序

sb's approach to the problem某人处理问题的方式

His approach to the problem is non-judgmental and matter-of-fact.他处理该问题的方式是不偏不倚、就事论事。


There had already been approaches from buyers interested in the whole of the group.已经有对整组感兴趣的买家来进行洽谈。


He admitted his role in the affair with some approach to the truth.他基本承认了他在那件事中所起的作用。





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